Suggestion: Player Injuries

TTK assumes you hit your shots… So TTK in U3 is ridiculously short with most weapons. The only thing we have to realistically consider is that SMGs and most Rifles have limited range and ridiculous recoil to actually use the job, but then remember; any AR especially with attachments will kill anyone in a couple seconds unless the user is completely trash.

In U3 there isn’t much of a reward for being skilled in gun-play. The only rewards exist for good game-sense, which can at time be pure luck.

Back onto the topic of player injuries in relation to this TTK, there are un-countably many instances in which i have been fired at first, and have been hit, yet survived and had the opportunity retaliate (mostly at 150 - 200 meters in cases where i survived). Almost all of these instances rely on making it to cover, and being able to effectively repeak or reposition. Now obviously you shouldn’t just be able to instantly fully recover and heal with a medkit within 2 seconds of getting to cover. But when i repeak or attempt to reposition, my accuracy should still be workable at this distance of 150m - 200m, or i should be able to reposition without being slowed to a slow limp.

and also, whilst cool and i do agree with a more basic version of your initial idea of different debuffs depending on where you are shot, i don’t think a complicated healing system would achieve anything gameplay wise that a normal healing system wouldn’t.
if you get shot in the leg, yes you should break your leg, but a splint should be able to nearly fully rectify that in unturned nearly instantly, no blowing off body parts or waiting 5 minutes for a leg to heal.
i agree medkits and dressings need nerfed in terms of the actual health regain, but broken legs and arms should be quickly fixable

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