The "Benson Bexton" Suspects

Pesky’s qualifications are classified because his pfp was actually drawn on a classified document.


and i am a detective

And I am a lawyer.

the law states you give your lawyer certification to a detective

hand it here bucko

And the law also states that you can provide proof that you are a detective.

fair enough, give me like an hour to find it

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Why Nooby needs a lawyer we didnt even started a trial is he hiding something?

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He is also innocent until proven otherwise at the trial

Who is liam?

This is Liam:
So are these guys:

To be perfectly clear Liam means “white man”

I thought you read my reply.

:man_facepalming: i still dont get it


filler because “body is unclear”.

So liam does game is Benoson?

okk firstly:

Alright secondly: due to some problems in the office, i can’t find the certificate

Can’t have problems in the office if you don’t have an office.


Im aware of this guide, however my post is well above the 10 character limit, I had to add filler because the site thought it was spam because it wan’t a “complete” sentence.

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