The Environment

because aleatory circunstances in certains limits

If you actually looked at who I was replying to, you would very obviously see that I wasn’t “putting words in your lips”

You shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

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Ops =P sorry

Please just say random. Most people don’t know what aleatory even means.

How about tornadoes are just really uncommon, like so uncommon they don’t happen, ever, at all, period.

I don’t get what you’re trying to say here…

So…your only argument as to why we should have this in the game is “it’s balanced because it’s rare”

The fact that you’re using random odds to balance this makes it a horrible idea, coupled with my reasons above. One should be able to deal with threats in the game if they have enough skill to do so, yet what you’re suggesting not only makes zero sense (as tornadoes are virtually unheard of happening in countries outside of the US) but is basically a dumb excuse for the game to be able to instantly destroy all your progress, regardless of what you do.

In addition, the fact that this relies on RNG will cause some pretty stupid moments, like for example if a tornado destroys a solo player’s small base after he just started playing on the server, but the tornado misses a massive group’s 5 floor metal base because of luck.


Good idea: weather events that happen in specific regions and seasons, maybe damaging light structures, and forcing the player to take shelter.
Bad idea: natural disasters that could randomly happen anywhere anytime, destroying bases and storage based almost entirely on RNG.
Why? Because the first might encourage players to move across the map, establish multiple bases, and provide a need to improve bases, even in single player. The second would just randomly destroy the progress of players, with no correlation to the skill or dedication of the player.


‘It’s rare so it’s balanced’ :rofl::ok_hand:


You know, back on the Unturned subreddit, we have a meme for people like you who think that making something rare balances a bad or OP idea, when in actuality it doesn’t.

“It’s balanced because it’s rare” is literally that meme. So that’s why people are starting to make fun of your idea.

Also, now that I think of it, you’re saying that it’s balanced because it’s rare enough that it won’t happen, so how about we just never implement it to begin with? I’m sure that will make it not happen too, and saves everyone the trouble.


I’m pretty sure the point of bases in Unturned is not to worry about most things.

You massive bagoni…I’ll just skip the ‘THATS A LITERAL MEME’ part to tell you that your essentially making a slot machine out of building bases, except that it involuntarily raids your base and everything in it. Like bandits weren’t enough of a threat.


Let’s end this once and for all. @bittlejuice let’s see what everyone else here thinks of your idea, since I want to see who is actually in support of this

  • Tornadoes are a good idea
  • Tornadoes are a bad idea

0 voters


I’m against the way @bittlejuice and the OP presents the idea, although I do like @anon24515308’s version of it. That a tornado would act more like snow storms do in Unturned, like effects such as limited vision, hurting you if you aren’t indoors, and of course the fact they’re random (yes I’m basically using the “rare” reason, hate me). Maybe having slight/miniscule damage to structures/barricades if any at all.


I agree with this.

You just confirmed you’re a troll. Stop it please.


OP only mentioned tornadoes to say that Unturned doesn’t need natural disasters, just dangerous weather. The only ones arguing for them are zero and bittlejuice.

Oh ya, woops.

noun: troll; plural noun: trolls

  1. a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post.
    informal: a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting.
  2. a line or bait used in trolling for fish.

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