The many things you learn about bullet drop and how i want it changed in UT II

So eh… I realized three things today…
First: Shooting guns in vr is so much more satisfying to do (especially the reloads) than just pressing a button. (I recommend you try H3VR, it’s made like extremely realistic by like ppl in the army)

Second: Bullet drop is not nearly as much as I thought in real life. You don’t have to aim 5m in the sky to be able to hit a target from 300m. /s Also, I’m the god of VR sniping with a .50 CAL. Also, you can’t one hand a magnum, okay? Don’t try it.

Back to the point…

Third: Unturned bullet drop is a piece of sh- very badly made. I get it, it’s supposed to be balanced and all but for real, it’s just damn frustrating not being able to hit point blank with your sniper. Also, fun fact, you can get shot from behind a wall due to the absolutely broken bullet drop as the bullet curves over the wall. (Trust me, learned it the hard way)


meh, simple as that: Nerf bullet drop so it affects rifles at about a range of 700m, and it also progressively gets worse from about 500m on (factor method: every 100m = x1.2 bullet and damage dropoff). Simples. Also, for all of yer who say that this is to balance the map size, which is very small in 3.0, well please consider the option that the map might be bigger, at about the size of 2000m by 2000m (or bigger!).

I would also kindly suggest the damage drop off system to counter for this.


I agree with everything you stated, and bigger maps are planned, which is such a relief. However, I think that in concerns of balance, overall gunfight max range shouldn’t be higher than 1km (1000m), so bullet drop and damage dropoff can be pretty balanced without making sniper range so OP, then having the need of making every gun a potential improvised sniper rifle to counteract properly, lol. Also, just imagine how much exploits players could get from so high sniping ranges.

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