Nelson said that factorio may be a big inspiration to 4.0
What do you guys think?
I think that automatization will be at another level at 4.0.
PS: Factorio is awesome xD
I’ll be sure to make a base with the sole purpose of outputting the stupidest items in 4.0.
Factorio + unturned will be amazing!
wow I didn’t know this existed >p<
I can already see Memeings gum imperium.
Yeah, I would like more automation being possible, but it should be costly, to the point where only active and powerful clans will be able to pull it off effectively. I believe the dream should be to place down a oil derrick and be able to have it collect oil, then feed it to the generator powering it, and putting all leftover oil into a oil tank.
I think and it’s sure that automatic system is coming!!!
Factorio’s definitely one of my favorite games: I’ve played 100+ hours and recently got their “automation in progress” shirt. I’m glad you guys agree! For Unturned I’m thinking more along the lines of tasks which you shouldn’t have to do manually e.g. loading ammo into sentry guns and piping fuel from oil derricks.
I’m going to have some real fun with this…
I would love to be able to connect a generator to a oil pump and make it automatically fill it. Would also be cool to make a ammo production line. And you could see the bullets travel along? Sorry for asking this xd, it’s just making more work for us if you decide to do it xd.
Yay! I always love it when games get automation! Like those minecraft mods!
inb4 you’re sipping potions from your automated rail line powered by your solar mob grinder atop your automated redstone mine that doubles as a circuit for a giant slot machine
Why did I imagine a production line murdering unturned cows after you said that? Anyways, the production lines could maybe you could put food in certain ones, and it might get more seeds from one plant/it makes it so you can do other stuff while it crafts a certain item for ya but each production line could only craft one thing, and if you put the wrong items your risk destroying it?
Hell yeah. One thing i love to do in 3.0 is taking over various cities / towns and fixing them up, but of course, this means endless amounts of refueling generators for the sake of safezone radiators. If that could be automated, it’d make my life a whole lot easier.
I really doubt safezone radiators will make a comeback in 4.0 due to being pretty wonky realism wise, but I think we can expect an alternative.
Thousands… Thousands of makeshift AKs.
What about something like a noisemaker that attracts zombies to it?
Shouldn’t it repulse the zombies?