The only way to recover this game is selling it

Nelson can’t think straight becuase of his sickness and he should sell this game to save it

Players usually don’t think about problems like developers, so as a layman, it’s appropriate and appropriate for you to say this

I would not care the developer problems if developer doesn’t reflect the problems to the game

Setting aside the rude context,

I think a better long-term owner for the game and its legacy is to hand it over to the community. It’s really impressive to see what other communities have done with open-source games, and I think it’s possible we’d even see standalone total conversions emerge from Unturned, especially considering the extremely talented and vibrant modding community.

In general I view negativity about e.g. “game dead/dying” as concerns from players who really care about the game and want it to succeed/grow, albeit expressing it in a somewhat counter-productive way. Ultimately, I feel truly honored to be part of something that so many people care about, and I fully intend to do right by this support as much as I can.


My reply is not rude, the rude thing is throwing away someones 4 years of work.
“This game is community based game”. That is the issue you are not supporting the community. You are absulutly leaving most of them behind by trying to rule the community.

what do you mean by sickness?

You should watch sword art online, and pay attention to akihiko kayaba and his inspiration and what he does, I imagine that your game could be like the world seed.

I wouldnt call his actions a result of some sort of sickness, I would say it may be due to a lack of further vision, this game could be taken so much further, it is truly unique and it is not a hard game, it is much better than roblox in its simplistic free-roam style. This could be the first step into a beautiful legacy for the game, I feel that unturned is and may be the precursor to the sort of games you would see in say, an anime, that encourage free-roam in a huge world, along with incredible MMO potential

Those are because he’s been heavily stressed, which can make people feel sick, you think this stuff’s been easy for him to do???

So you think throwing away 4 years of work is rude. How about 10 years of work? Nelson created Unturned when he was like 16. He’s grown it from a basic Roblox game to its current state over the 10 years it’s been around. Saying that he should throw all that away is incredibly rude and so disrespectful towards all the work he’s done for this community


Yeah people used to “care” about the game until the recent changes,

“I feel truly honored to be part of something that so many people care about”
havent you said you were burned out from the game like 2-3 years ago.Why all of a sudden you are so honored about the game? while you were in this “burnout” phase curated people “carried” the most of the game.Yeah updates were good (Movement change etc.) but we havent recived a offical map in ages.

you made the game standalone beacuse roblox moderation were bad and didnt care about developers,well you are the same thing now

I have personal question for you nelson;

Do you care about your community and curated developers?


Thinking Unturned would be better off if sold to another company is pretty delusional, like yeah let’s make Nelson sell Unturned to 505 Games that’d be incredible!


At least we would get actual updates instead letting game fade away


If he can’t handle it than as I said, he should hand it to company

This game is community supported game. If community never let do something about this game it would stayed at roblox

so what? I have mad respect the work nelson have done to the game but does he respect community’s oppinions and creations anymore? Throwing that “4 years of work” is going to cost more that 10 years Most of the new players and old players play curated.Yes, old updates were a blast (offical maps) but i dont think they are possible now,We are going to recive small updates just like we do now,and game’s player base will slowly decrease beacuse of no new content,just small improvements to game (vehicle update etc.). In my honest opinion this “4 years of work” was more entertaining.Whos gonna even care about 10 years of work if no ones around.

Throwing away your community’s loved players is a something AAA game studio thing to do,Look what happened to apex legends it was the 1# battle royale, They removed community’s favourite maps game fell off.

We would likely actually get less updates because the new devs would have to redo 90% of Nelson’s code

Y’know, it’s interesting how you take the curated map makers side without any evidence of what they’ve done wrong. SDG cut them off for a reason.

But besides for that, Nelson is obviously looking towards the game’s future by having the community help out more. Cause he’s already stated that he wants to revamp the curated system, commission more community members, and eventually fully leave the game in the community’s hands by open sourcing it.

Do you really think he would do all this if he didn’t respect the community?

Well, you perhaps forgot that canceled or similarly undesirable had the most knowledge in modding for Unturned. They used their knowledge to make the game better, but they left.
And what about the content creators who surprisingly remained in the community (Mostly Russian guys) whose knowledge is also incredible, roughly speaking would only wish the game die and leave it as soon as they finish another last commission, or if not leaving then make their maps/servers which will violate SDG’s rules, tho, they don’t really care about it so.
That means no one will keep the game afloat, and if they do, their knowledge will be at the 2016 level, and except for the mesh replacement, nothing new can be added to the game. At least I believe so.

The reality is far more complicated.