I think I can finish the whole thing soon. These days weren’t as busy as I thought it would be.
not if I finish my own first >:V
joining forces is for mortals!
The Turned goes skrrrra
Puns aside, I appreciate the effort and do agree PvE threats need a huge rework, but am I the only one who likes the looks of the adorable zombies in 3.0? I’ve never been one for dark, mutated/paranormal stuff, but I am a huge advocate of realism.
RIP undead friendo Dave, 2014-2018
Keep the most basic form of Turned similar to Dave. Beginning stages of the Turned-ing process.
Except throw organic cyst-like growths all over it!
Ok kill it with fire
I dont want to see zombies shooting, say you are at a military base or something similar and are killing zombies as one does and then you hear shots. Normally you would shit yourself and run to cover, but with zombies that shoot you wouldnt be as scared as you would think, oh its just another zombie missing shots wildly in my direction. Sure you would the first dozen times out of instinct, but like it or not you would eventually grow accustomed to non threatening bullets, because (hopefully) there are far more zombies than actual players. You could say “oh just stay on your toes the entire time” but eventually you would start getting used to it.
This would also take the risk out of shooting unsuppressed guns, because say you are hiding in a tower and see someone killing zombies, you can shoot at them and it doesnt matter for 5 or so seconds if you missed because the person would assume that its just a zombie shooting instead of you, although of course they would realize that there arent any near after a while but it would still ease the punishment that SHOULD be there for messing up a ambush.
This exactly!
If zombies started shooting guns, I’d imagine it being very inevitable (albeit just plain weird) that people would get used to hearing several gunshots ring out at night near a city, and be like “oh, well that’s probably just a zombie wielding a gun.”
When’s the last time you saw any game, movie, or other thing of pop culture where a zombie was able to use a gun? It just hilariously badly trivializes something like gunshots to the point of a player not worrying about significant danger.
There are zombies with guns in guns gore and canoli
Okay well, my point still stands that in every well known example of zombies in games and movies, they never wield firearms. Even holding melee weapons is rare, though I definitely know a few good examples (e.g. Dying Light).
Not sure why y’all are using generic zombies as a baseline for this discussion, when the topic is directed to mutants. Think outside the box
I think the Flood from Halo is a good example. Those things are capable of using weaponry
True. The Flood is an excellent example of an inhuman enemy, and really adds that level of fear while keeping you immersed fully as well.
mutants don’t know how to open boxes
Doesnt matter what kind of zombies the zombies are all the gameplay arguments are still valid.
Smoothskin, there’s a big difference between zombies and mutants.
You don’t see zombies being created from mutated flesh spawners, yes?
so basically now the survivors need to fight zombies and aliens?
I feel like the snag should look really creepy. With ripped clothing, blood, pleads, and a lot of arms and legs.
It’s already confirmed for Unturned II that the Turned will be far darker, more mutated/paranormal versions of their 3.0 counterparts. This is why these ideas exist.
Although this is supposed to increase you know, PvE and all of that, I think it’d be very annoying for people to constantly needing to inject themselves with vaccines everytime they take a single scratch from a zombie.