Twitter News - Shotgun Shells UI

love how the shells fly off the screen :slight_smile:

that fucking game

Heck yea, it’s the purest love :heart:

It’s kinda cool but I would need that with some text saying how much ammo I have because ofc its to hard to count that when shooting.
If it’s combined with the text I dont think theres that much of a point for the animated bullet count.
It’s different though so good job Nelson!

Usually I don’t need specific numbers. Just a general, “oh i have over half my mag left, im set to go”


thinking about it now, maybe it’d be better if the rightmost round (the one that gets ejected when fired) looked like it was in the gun’s chamber.


I really hope we get a d evblog this weekend.

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If there’s too many shells left to quickly count, you can count the empty spaces instead. If there’s too many shells, both spent, and in the magazine, you only need a rough approximation anyway.

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Would be great if the cartridge/shell currently chambered was actually handled separately from the rest of the magazine, because it would open the door to better interruptable reloads, and better manual actions.

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like in…



Unturned 4.0 is the free version of eft.


EFT but with zombies and the netcode (hopefully) won’t be quite as wack

i can dig that


and your stash can be raided xD

And also when you’re a hatchling people actually resist shooting you in EFT

When they give you 5 rubles and say “shoo”

5 Rubles

That’s like, less than a Canadian dime

Pretty sure the apocalypse would have some impact on the exchange rate

some? more like “well money’s worthless now”

If you wanna be technical about that, the exchange rate ratio does not change, since both currencies crash equally as hard.

Also, we were referring to EFT, since Rubles and other currencies actually still have value to NPC traders.

The values of the two currencies would almost certainly not drop to precisely the amount to keep the current exchange rate. Whether people are still using them as currency or just as raw materials would have very little bearing on that fact.