Underbarrel grenade launcher

As I watched Nelson continually add new mechanics and expand on existing ones in unturned 3.0, I wondered if it would be really cool if Nelson turned his attention to one of the most important aspects of the game, the weapon. For many, it is not news that PVP and PVE game content is almost the main thing that keeps players in the game, and what players spend time on. But looking at the current mechanics of weapons, even after a number of additions from Nelson, I understand that there is still a lot missing and the weapon requires that it be updated and expanded on the mechanics. I would really like to see the mechanics of grenade launchers in unturned 3.0. This would greatly diversify the game and would incredibly help all PVP servers.
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I also want to touch on a couple more weapon mechanics that would be cool to see in unturned 3.0:

  1. The mechanics of replacing weapon parts (changing the forend, butt, etc.) does not have to make this mechanic the same confused as in EFT, but something just like in DayZ would be cool.
  2. Overhaul the mechanics of the stores so that the same magazine can be loaded with different types of cartridges (ordinary, explosive, tracer), and loading cartridges into revolvers and shotguns, make it like in life, giving the player the opportunity to load one cartridge at a time.
  3. To rework the mechanics of weapon breakage and repair, it would be cool to see a more complex system than the one we have now
  4. Make an adequate system of armor breakage and repair. It’s terrible that at the moment it is not even possible to normally control the speed of armor wear, as it is with a weapon.

Thats is the game, in it’s entirety.

I don’t think Nelson should not invest anymore time in 3.X than he already has, push II before it fully dies out.


Я считаю иначе, у нельсона не смотря на разницу в движках программирование происходит и там и там на языке С# что может ему помочь, как испытывать на unturned 3.0 новые функции, так и переносить удачные нововведения из 4.0 в 3.0 . Нельсон очень хорошо понимает, что Unturned 3.0 актуальна для игроков и так будет ещё очень долго, поскольку создание с нуля 4.0 сложно и занимает очень много времени с учётом всего, что он задумал. Поэтому мы можем наблюдать, что нельсон до сих пор обновляет механики, как то было в автотранспортом или же заклиниванием оружия или из недавнего оптимизацией для плагинов. + ему помогают сторонние ребята создавая кураторский контент, что порой вдохновляет Нельсона


I agree and also want to see it in the game


You do realize I don’t speak blyat yeah?

In principle “practicing” on 3.X is nice, but I doubt he has the skills to properly translate it. Even if he did it would probably still be more efficient to just trial it in the beta build.
Jamming weapons has been a thing for ages. Thunderstorms are nice and all but are not going to save the game. Same thing applies to the netcode update.

3.X is a mess, Nelson knows that, it is why II is a thing. He should just acknowledge that fact and push II while there is stilla chance that it will have any sort of impact.


Считаю, что подствольные гранатометы должны присутствовать. Думаю может доберемся и до подствольных дробовиков и тому подобному. Я за!

I believe that under-barrel grenade launchers should be present. I think maybe we can get to the under-barrel shotguns and things like that. I’m for it!


I think it’s really good idea. I want to see it in Unturned.

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The underbarrel grenade launcher does sound appealing given its balanced for either/both pvp and pve. But it makes me wonder if we could get some outlandish things like an underbarrel shadowstalker lol. Like the idea even if it isn’t balanced I’d still use it like it’s MW2 XD.

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VERY NICE IDEA!!! Nelson, please. ADD THEM!!!

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Actually, I know this is off-topic partially, has anyone made a MW2 or MW themed mod for unturned? If not I’d love to see one made and servers host mini tdm or other modes with them.

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Yes, there is a very large amount of content dedicated to war, starting with WW1 and WW2, and ending with modern wars. However, most of this content is mods created specifically for a specific server and their use on other servers is not possible. In addition, all the mods and military-themed servers that I know are Russian projects, there is no point in going there if you don’t know Russian

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Ah k. Thanks for the response, guess I’ll have to look into this deeper lol.

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