I think for unturned 69 we need mandatory limb amputation, and forced austusim allways. Aswell as that all guns should shooot nukes. Taking 3 steeps means you have to amputate your leg as it broken allerady. 69 should have invincible bandit NPCs that kidnap you and put you in trunks 10 times, then you look at a black screen for 10 hours before you can play as a dog. Also anyone who disagrees will be banned from all unturned.
Each dev blog will be posted 3 years apart. Next one is in 3 years, see you then.
Unfunny meme about some actually creative (though possibly not as good) suggestions.
throwback to Unturned’s first april fools.
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We need heat-seeking guided nuke launchers
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bad meme
-10 character limit-
we need our unfunny-meme police GHJ for a citation
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(nah fuck that joke i made here)
I wanted a meme not a picture of 75% of the suggestions here
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Rain mercury you should start posting in #unturned-4 not #memes haha
(this is sarcasm but not really)
sure where do I download?
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