If you’ve been on the forums a bit, then you’ve probably seen this post suggesting building tiers in 4.0, and I really like this idea, however, if Nelson wanted to stick to the current building system, I have some basic things to ask of him.
If bricks are going to be in 4.0, make them serve a proper purpose that makes them more viable than pine wood. (Perhaps as suggested before making them more blast resistant)
Another thing I’d like to point out is making pine wood the least durable wood. Pine in real life is usually the cheapest and least durable wood (softwood) while maple and birch (hardwood) are more expensive and durable. So as of now the entire building tiers system is a bit off.
Lastly, I think that making metal bases (and all bases in general) look more scrappy would make the game’s aesthetic much more prominent and consistent. As of now bases, especially metal bases, are incredibly clean and “perfect” looking, even though they’ve been thrown together by a survivor and a camp axe.
I think the entire building system should work more as a counterpart system rather than a +1 thing, where maple is a direct upgrade to birch, pine is a direct upgrade to maple and metal is a direct upgrade to pine.
Brick buildings should be more resistant to bullets (and if a bullet penetration system is added, low-caliber bullets shouldn’t be able to penetrate through and high-caliber should deal less damage), metal should be more resistant to explosives, and here’s the twist.
Metal and brick should be able to fall apart if the buildings under them get destroyed, but wood shouldn’t.
This would lead to bases looking pretty different than they do now. With a more ragtag sorta look to it. People would make their foundations out of metal, outside walls out of bricks, walls that lead to more important rooms like the staircase to the second floor or a loot-room would be made out of metal and 2nd floors would be made out of wood, to avoid your entire base falling apart. So invading would be easier through the roof if it has no claim flag, because it would be out of wood, but at the same time would be harder if the base has a claim flag, because you’d need to drop out of a helicopter or off some tower, but raiding from the bottom would be easier if the base does have a claim flag compared to from the roof. It would just lead to more planning of raiding and building bases and I think that’s what Unturned is missing.