how-to replicate this bug?
Ask the guy on the server, its due to the plates btw. There used to be a bug where you could get the Cerberus and the Chariot to fly with a similar method.
IIRC just do some magic with the plates in the window or something.
Seems a bit interesting how was the plates placed.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 8 hours unless flagged)
KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. - System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at :0)
Pathfinding.Util.TileHandler.CutPoly (Pathfinding.Int3 verts, System.Int32 tris, Pathfinding.Int3& outVertsArr, System.Int32& outTrisArr, System.Int32& outVCount, System.Int32& outTCount, Pathfinding.Int3 extraShape, Pathfinding.Int3 cuttingOffset, UnityEngine.Bounds realBounds, Pathfinding.Util.TileHandler+CutMode mode, System.Int32 perturbate) (at :0)
Pathfinding.Util.TileHandler+c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 (System.Boolean force) (at :0)
AstarPath.ProcessWorkItems (System.Boolean force) (at :0)
AstarPath.PerformBlockingActions (System.Boolean force, System.Boolean unblockOnComplete) (at :0)
AstarPath.Update () (at :0)
Still here, give a damn please <3
You have already posted this before and it has been stated multiple times that this issue isn’t something we have control of. That’s a question for Nelson
That error shouldnt affect how the server runs according to nelson
Will there be more tree rearrangement in future releases? The latest update put a pine tree in my stash room.
There will most likely be more Rearrangement in the future, usually teams just manually place trees over spots that need them and manually remove trees from spots that don’t need them once the map goes public, but I guess they didn’t do that here.
Something Nelson would have to change, map can’t do anything about it. In order to make the acid gun a thing they had to use a loophole, which pretty much lets them spawn the same acid pool that the acid zombie spit, that’s why the death message is the same.
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