Unturned II Access Too Hard To Get

aren’t you already doing that? at least 5 low effort topics pretending to be high effort topics a day

the problem here is that you’re repeating stuff that has been already discussed and sorted out. i don’t think a question like “How exactly is it easy for you? I don’t understand? I swear you don’t meet any of the requirements?” is on topic for this. you’re asking questions that has been answered like 123487612436871892471289 times already and making suggestions that has been suggested 1234987618974261247896 times already. i don’t really think it’s hard to look up around the forum (or even the trello that nelson made to share the progress of unturned II) and see if your idea has been suggested or your question has been answered before. yeah i know being creative is hard but come on, why do i always see your pfp at least 20 times when i login the forum after days or weeks


I think the main question here is why do you keep on getting off-topic on all the threads you reply to? Also, what is the problem with me just being active on the forums?



(ok last reply i’m outta here, please lock this thread)

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There are several things that has happened here:

  • Flag system has been abused
  • Thread bumped multiple times from several users’ low effort posts in a 5-day interval
  • Off topic conversations/spam (Yes that includes everyone involved)

I’d rather not see this happen again. Also flag the thread for closing instead of posting lock requests.

I’d also advice certain forum behaviours to be discouraged in order to not strike another conflict again