Before you’re gonna comment: UUuhhH, tHerE aLReady aRE aLoT Of posts AboUT The INVEntoRY sYsteM, gET ORIginaL. This is my point of view, and so far I haven’t seen any posts about the inventory system that look similar to the one I am going to describe now.
Okay, so first of all, some of the stuff I am talking about here have evolved from the post @GreatHeroJ made a while ago. I just made it a slightly bit more fitting to also make more sense. You can find the original post here.
So let’s get started! In Unturned 3.0, the inventory system is straight up broken, from an industrial generator to a minigun, it all fits in your pants. For Unturned II, I thought it would be smart to renew this system. I am way better at explaining pictures with text than explaining text with pictures, so take a look and read the elucidation under the pictures.
This is a normal unturned backpack (the grids don’t match the backpack itself, just took it as example). Right now there are two ways you can fix being able to fit incredibly large items in there. You can one, make the items way bigger and you can only fit a, for example industrial generator in your hands, or even a vehicle you need to move it with. This would of course make gameplay boring and annoying, and it would take way too long to build your base. The other solution for this problems is to make borders in the backpack and clothing. This already got mentioned in Great Hero J’s post, but hear me out. The clothing and backpacks got designated slots for the items you want to hold. Check this updated picture of the travelpack:
Here you see J’s concept with borders, but more restricted. Different pieces of clothing means different storage sorts. The travelpack could fit two guns on the side, a small puch under both guns for small items (i.e. water, grenades etc.) And the slot under the backpack could have magazines. The empty slots means that any item can fit in there. If a gun would be stored in one of the two gun slots, it would look like two guns would be on either side of the travelpack, outside of it. The player would not be able to store a second two-handed gun in their inventory. Here are some more examples about how I had other items in mind:
For the pants I am a bit unsure of what i should put in the empty spots. I’ve also tried to make the outline of pants, so pockets would make more sense.
Please leave feedback and more additional things to add to this post in the replies! Thanks for reading!