Unturned II suggestions UPDATED 1/7/21

Just to clear it up, dual-render scopes zoom independently of the normal view. That’s why they’re used, to have a more realistic scope where only the scope zooms in and the rest is left as is. It takes a pretty noticeable hit on performance, but there’s other things done to minimalize the performance hit.
The example you gave with Siege works like the common zoom in games. The scopes are not rendering from a second camera, they simply zoom the entire screen according to the sight’s magnification.

There is no in-between when it comes to this. You either zoom the entire screen in, or you render 2 cameras in 1 scene.

Only thing that can “give the illusion” of a dual-render scope, without being a dual-render scope, are effects made around the scope, like depth of field, to give the effect that the character is focusing on what he sees in the scope, but i think effects like these should either not exist at all or be toggleable. 2nd option is best, but i wouldn’t like a forced DoF anywhere.

EDIT: I’m on 6 beers and i don’t know why this comment is a reply to @ekhoalfa and not @GhostFish50

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Im also 6 beers in and i know the difference im just saying it would be nice to see but i would also just settle for the illusion just so i dont feel like im being shoved down the scope with tunnel vision

I mean the work bench idea sounds cool

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mmm yes, i like this. what if there was a purchasable in-game currency that let you buy camouflaged clothing and cosmetics that would require real money to buy and could not be acquired any other way

with this in-game currency you could buy “crates” that would have a small (but very fair) chance of granting… super rare in-game weapons that could only be acquired from crates

what if unturned gold was a subscription-based service that granted more powerful super-rare weapons and… in-game advantages such as INVISIBILITY and AIM ASSIST!!!

what if there were POP-UP ADS that could only be removed by paying a COSTLY FEE!!!


this is what happens when you drink while posting. never do it kids

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What if you got shot/hit in the eye you would lose your sight temporarily or if you would have to fix your vision. Glasses?

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So basically any scope that is not a dual-render ?
I don’t get what you mean exactly.

I don’t think getting shot in the eye is fixable with glasses.
Besides, the most vulnerable part of the skull is the eye socket. Thin like a guitar pick, you get shot there it’s a GG.

I mean i would love a dual render Nelson said in one of his videos he would not add it but i was giving the suggestion that it should be added i love it but if it really wont be added instead of just black and the scope view add the fov type so your given the illusion of a dual render without the dual render i find it less constraining and confining than just a black 2d render you know.

it was a joke. And I literally made that reply before you removed what you said about camouflage and added in the part about winning skins…

I have literally no idea. nothing in this post is very clear, and your spelling, grammar and punctuation is very poor. I can only assume you are very young or don’t speak English very well. either way, you probably shouldn’t expect anyone to think very highly of your post or take it seriously.

What is even the point of responding to criticism with childish insults and angry rage typing? Obviously nobody will take you seriously then.


You could just fucking say i dont think making camofage a buyable item is not a good idea in my opinion and maybe i would agree maybe we could have a constructive conversation. i think you could word it like this i think this would be better what did you mean by this no be an opinionated fuck that just wants to come around and be an asshole because its different because its not perfect because its not the way you like it to be to many ideas to few idgaf anymore take it for what the fuck it is or leave no one forced you here and a nice kind conversation about how i could make it better is 1000 times better than what your doing right now ive had to change that fucking paragraph so many times i had to drink just to understand what the fuck you people wanted yes or no to skins why what skins what way make it fucking clear state your reason all of you have different oppions and non of you are station why just that im scum or no or laughing why why cant you say how about these skins no others yes i dont think these skins are ok how about ths but fuck me cause your all better right

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The black one that’s the lowest option for scopes is already the standard method where your whole screen is zoomed in, the peripheral vision is just filled with black. That’s not a new type of scope mechanic, it’s just a bad call on Nelson’s part to make the peripheral vision opaque.

I agree i wish it could be just an option cause everyone likes things different the more options nelson puts in his games the better and i would just love the options for changing it maybe later in the game if we ask for it

I ment option for the newer game nelson said in unturned 2 it would not be avalable i wish it would in someway or another you know

You dident read it before i changed it it always had winning skins it always had crafting skins but now you se it that its in bold shows how short your attention span is

Its called adhd + many ideas ive been improving the post a lot and there ideas no a fking ELA essay they dont need to be perfect but if people keep doing this im going to make 32 different threads if thats what you all want i can go in depth in all of them a paragraph and you can grade me or you can constructively add or suggest things or leave your not a teacher im 20 thank you verry much. so yea fk off im here shareing my ideas WITHOUT MAKING 32 FUCKING THREADS so what do you want do you want to add to ideas make or ask questions or improvements or keep being assholes. there fucking ideas what part of not an ela class do you now understand.

Jeez calm down there buddy.
First of all no one is asking you to write an essay or create 32 different threads. But you should at least try to clean up your post/responses. I mean do you really expect people to read something they can barely understand? I get that you have ADHD and english is probably not your main language, but you can at least take 10 more minutes before posting to make it a bit more understandable. Also keep in mind that, if you are going to insult anyone, then they are not going to respect you and neither are the people that read that.

Dont take this as an act of ill will. I would genuinely like to have a meaningful discussion here, but this is really throwing me off and Im probably not the only one.
I would suggest that next time you take a bit more time to clean up your post in the beginning. And also dont start throwing a tantrum in the responses.

Thread should be locked, probably.
I don’t see where we can take this anymore.


ive been fixing them impasent tho ive re wrote the post 32 times in 2 days

stop being impasent and help me instad of being assholes darky has been the only one doing that

Even after 25 edits it still looks like the original post. It’s just a lot of ideas you’ve taken from other games, including the current Unturned, that you’ve compiled onto a list. As many have said before, it’s much better if you write in depth about a single idea.

Just make sure the idea in question isn’t already planned for Unturned II


Or if only certain melee weapons caused blurry vision, like a baseball bat or brass knuckles.