Hi.I am waiting Unturned 2.Coming out this year?
With the way things have been looking, I’d temper your hopes for anything for a long, long, long while.
So it won’t come out this year?
Check again in three months.
No, probably two or three years
It shouldn’t be this hard to adding.The game is all ready.Normally it should have come out sooner
The game is not all ready.
@dragon_beast Make that two or three decades.
this mans my DAWG right here capn stars hell yeah been around for a long minute
Six years and counting
Not that it feels like I’m counting towards much
U2 is still like, not even in alpha. It is nowhere near ready to “release” even as an easter egg like OPERATIONMAPLELEAF. There is no survival elements or any survival map, because the core mechanics of the game are still being debated / played around with. U2 coming public even next year sounds unrealistic at this pace, although @MoltonMontro makes it sound like lots of technical progress is underway that the dev isn’t bothered to write about since it’s not interesting.
Yes, if the raid on sdg hq goes well, we will release it next week.
Probably not this year.
>inb4 it never will
Alright, since i keep seeing this post constantly at the top, i thought i’d pop in to say something.
I really missed this game, lmao. The excitement of seeing a new devlog every few months was something else.
Even if the game doesn’t go into beta state this year or the next year, i’ll still keep remembering the game here and there and drop by the forums every once in a while.
A realistic answer to “is it coming out anytime soon” would be “nah, probably not. probably not 2022 either”. All the relatively cool stuff worth showing have probably been done and now Nelson is prolly focusing on the technical side of the game, which isn’t all that interesting or worth showing to the general public. Apparently sdg is moving to make large update posts rather than small monthly devlogs (that’s what i am taking from what Molton said, correct me if i am wrong), like yeah in case it wasn’t obvious, game development takes time lmao. So we could get a big update post at any time.
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