Viable Camoflage

Let’s be honest here, wearing a ghillie suit or generally trying to blend in is pointless in 3.0. Most people don’t have grass enabled (mainly because it fries their pc) and will spot you slithering over that plastic looking green surface from across the map.

For starters. There shouldn’t be an option to completely remove grass as it gives such a massive advantage against people who don’t.

Since there are going to be more clothing slots and options, I’d suggest adding some sort of craftable camouflage for both yourself and perhaps your weapons. Maybe you could gather leaves or make a green paint out of berries. There’s plenty of ways you can go about this, I’d just think I’d be nice.


This topic has been covered many times before.

While I agree that camo needs to be more effective, the majority of the playerbase (myself included) turns grass off for FPS, not just a PvP advantage.

If this is to be done, foliage will need to be vastly optimized, which isn’t out of the question given Nelson’s focus on performance in 4.0.

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This has been discussed countless times as J said
And we can all agree that we don’t wanna be forced to choose between good graphics and PvP advantages, so we need the foliage to stay

Well, when cosmetics first came out in 3, the only thing I had was a turtle shirt. Even with that i was invisible to some brain dead players.

It doesn’t matter what you wear if they’re that brain dead.

Source: I used to do this too, until I realized how pointless it was

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A good middle ground could be to have server settings of what the minimum required grass level is. Another solution would be to have an “active camo” effect for people wearing camo, where the ghillie suit will change to fit the surface they are on, but thats probably unreasonable.

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“Not having grass is unfair to people who have grass”
“The player base can’t handle rendering grass”
Why not move away from grass if you want fair pvp? It’s not going to happen in 3.x

Uhh…because it’s a survival game, and there’s grass outside?


Then turn the grass on, because there are no screeching 10 year olds with military weapons outside. Realism is not Unturned’s strong point.

Who are you quoting?

Are you suggesting having grass disabled for everyone, because that doesn’t seem to be the way 4.X is going, with its foliage audio and optimized foliage.

How is that relevant?

No grass = horrible idea. Think of the herbavores man!!!

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I’m starting to think half the people here don’t know what 4.0 is trying to do realism-wise.

As such, the “Unturned isn’t realistic” argument is no longer valid.

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I think people don’t understand that realism is a spectrum, rather than something that just is or isn’t, or maybe they just choose to ignore that, because it makes it easier to prove their points.


IKFR, Casual things eventually ruined the 3.0

I keep grass off for a PVP advantage, rendering this completely useless, it’s a good idea in concept but with the current player base it wouldn’t work unless you couldn’t turn off grass

As said before, 4.0 is not pvp orientated.

Are you talking about the original post? If you are then you are objectively wrong. What Op was saying was that there should be camouflage that matches the coloration of the ground itself, rather than just the color of foliage. You can turn off foliage in 3.X, but being able to disable seeing the ground will (with a 99.9999999999999999999% certainty) not be an option in 4.X.

With camouflage that matches the ground texture or at the very least ground color you’re just making greenskinning slightly more difficult, what I think he should do is make camouflage match or at least be better hidden in trees and then make a buildable (such as an actual tree chair) findable and placeable, along with a special ladder. This would also allow for more shops such as hunting stores. I’m just spitballing ideas here but I think some of them could be good anyway.

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