Visual impairements would be visual distorsion created environmental or event-related visual hazards, such as being underwater or being attacked by acid spits.
These visual impairements would dynamically affect how the player sees his environments depending on what is currently happening around him.
These would come in many ways from many hazards; random large blur spots from facing towards a blizzard, blurred vision underwater (obv already a thing), acid spit attacks to the head that would reduce the player’s vision for a little while (which would tick down offline too), maybe even overly bright bloom under winter sunlight, etc.
These impairements would give some use to the items in the Goggles slot. Here’s a few examples:
-Swimming Glasses
Nullifies the blur effect underwater but slowly fogs up outside. Nullifies effects of spit attacks, fogs up faster in blizzards
-Aviator Sunglasses
Nullifies bloom effect from the sun, reduces by 40% the chance of being affected by acid attacks. Reduces size of blur spots from snow.
-Shooting glasses
Reduces spit attack chance by 80%. Reduces snow blur by a bit.
-Tactical Sunglasses
Has the effects of Aviators and Shooting glasses combined
-Military Goggles
Nullifies acid damage and snow blurs but will slowly fog over time. Largely reduces effects of snow
-Full Seal Military Goggles
Provides the same effect as regular ones, but can be used underwater like swimming ones. Will fog slowly underwater and slightly faster outside than regular ones.
-Ski Goggles
Nullify the effects of Snow, Bloom and Acid, but will rapidly fog up in hotter areas
Fog can be wiped from inside the inventory.