A timed curation brought to you by Storm_Epidemic, Th3o, Diesel_Sisel, and Misterl212!
Support them at the Stockpile! https://store.steampowered.com/itemstore/304930/detail/902/
A timed curation brought to you by Storm_Epidemic, Th3o, Diesel_Sisel, and Misterl212!
Support them at the Stockpile! https://store.steampowered.com/itemstore/304930/detail/902/
time curation
but why
Most maps will be timed curation so the game’s load time isn’t 5 hours every boot-up. Version 4 resolves this issue, but for Unturned 3 you’re stuck with it.
France will be an exception to that, but Rio, UK, etc. aren’t. (UK is also just too large of a file and map.)
New maps, more fun.
also this.
its a wrecked train object.
I hope nobody hates me for this, but Im gonan use the items from this map for my map as well XD. and no, im not aiming for curation so I dont really care about making custom objects XD
Found 3 NPC bases, locations below if you want them
1, Under the Rock of Cashel.
2, On an unmarked island South of Moneypoint Powerplant
3, On the H.S Cale
Aj sorry that this is a reply to your post, didn’t notice until it was to late.
Found pajamas XD
basically upload everything new I find, that I consider good enough too
Here are the ID’s
Cobalt - 15041
Dagger - 15044
Hollowcharge - 15050
Hospitality - 15048
Judgement - 15053
Orel - 15039
Wezel - 15036
I’ll add more as I go through the ID’s
actually, everyone post images about what you find ona post ima make.
I’m going to go make a post about the ID’s.
sounds good
Tries to wait for 4.x patiently
actually Im fine with this for now XD, it has a lot of cool stuff XD
The creators are the devil and my soul is sold to ireland
YEEE COFFEEE, MTN is gonna love this XD
the guns are actual pain. the big fuck off anti-tank rifle is pretty decent, but all the other ones are just…pain.
The update got reverted.