A lot of people have made great comments and posts. Others not so much… don’t get me wrong some features are good but some aren’t. I’m not sure this belongs in the Unturned 2 topic but I’m going to put it there anyway.
Put some comments down bellow and I will choose some of the best for things I don’t want to see in 4. The Blacklist
Amputation of limbs, this would get old and annoying, most would game end themselves to respawn rather that deal with it, crippled and broken limbs would be better.
Permanent death features in multiplayer. I’m alright with this for single player but multiplayer would be unplayable, hope you enjoy empty servers cause that’s what your going to get.
Major death punishments, for multiplayer this means you would lose all your skills, items and even identity. It would be a pain having to make a new character every time you die and have you be locked out of your base. Even losing half you your skills would be annoying and puts me off almost any server that has skill degrade.
Lack of guns, everyone has made it clear that they don’t want all the super-guns in 4, but I don’t think we want poor gun variety either. I’m not against things like mini guns or rocket launchers if they are balanced. But we don’t want overpowered gun things.
Hmg raiding, no more easy raiding. Hmgs should penetrate things like armour on some things,(idk like vehicles or environmental structures) but they shouldn’t be raid weapons.
The chad drop. Wait what? This is a personal one and it is against all those pvp chads the smash the crawl button and instantly get an accuracy increase, this should be left in 3, it should be that smashing your face into the ground before every fight will stop you from being able to shoot or aim. And if you want to crawl or lie down and shoot, you have to take a second or two to do so and getting up takes time to, especially while holding a gun.
The hundreds of servers. I like that anyone can make a server, but I don’t want to see a thousand servers with 1 person or no people. It would be nice if you could have a server list you could sort and easily save servers to a seperate tab. You could sort by things like amount of players and stuff to find a good survival server and then have it pinned to your main servers thing, also not showing us the thousands of servers that are empty right off, but the most popular and played ones with the rest on a different tab.
Cosmetics, I will miss some of them but they won’t fit in 4, spray painting your guns would be nice though, but it shouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb.
Unturned II won’t have anywhere near as many guns as Unturned (version 3) for a while.
Which is completely fine, considering most of U3’s ranged weapons aren’t that special (even when counting curated and timed curated weapons), and U4 has a bigger focus on its expanded attachment system.
There’s really no need for thirty guns to be added immediately when making use of the rail system, caliber system, and modular components system could be done instead, imo.
Bullet penetration is part of the caliber system.
All of this is already in Unturned (version 3). Not sure if you know that and you’re just saying you still want this in Unturned II, or if you just don’t know that U3 has filters for all of that (and favorites).
U3 has:
a server list, which can be sorted in an ascending/descending manner based on various things.
a section in the server list for favorites.
the ability to filter servers, such as by the amount of players.
the ability to hide empty servers.
the ability to only see servers based on specific settings that you may consider optimal for a “good survival server.”
a lot of other filter options that you didn’t specifically mention.
U4 should have less lenient curation standards. Russia is still, in my opinion, the highest-quality map to have come out of “curation” (although its counted as official) upon its immediate release.
Future community projects don’t have the same level of interaction between Nelson and the curated team as Russia had going on, which is both fortunate and unfortunate. Personally, I’d prefer if Nelson did engage more directly with each curated project, although that definitely can make it harder on the curated team to achieve their own desired end result in an agreeable and mostly uncompromising manner.
I know but as a total I don’t want to feel like I’m missing out.
And as for the filters that hardly work, and empty, full and space all show the same thing, can there be a thing like sort by order, cause all those one person servers just have a bot in them and they show up in space insteed of empty.
Tbh, it would be a nice idea to have a good guns variety , having thirty weapons could be a good idea because some won’t have as much attachment as the eaglefire ( for example , a famas won’t have a trigger / stock attachment ) .
So , having more weapons would indeed be a good idea but it should be more diverse .
Which I think will be a thing in UII
Personally, I agree(?). Gun variety should, at least eventually, absolutely be a thing. However, I really do not want guns everywhere. Be it by default and guns really only become easy to find on Easy difficulty, or it’s a game option for multiplayer and singleplayer world to have guns be more common.
Also, another thing I think a large portion of the community, as far as I know, can agree on is that PvP shouldn’t be nearly as encouraged in II as it is in 3.x. 3.x can continue to exist for people who want a multiplayer FPS experience with goofy graphics and base building and raiding, whereas II can exist for the old Unturned 2.x, and even Deadzone, experience where survival was indeed a challenge, and a fun one at that.
Something I also personally don’t want are simple, static, boring NPCs. While NPC AI may be difficult to program, the entire game is difficult to program, and that shouldn’t discourage the implementation of complex and interesting NPC interaction to enhance gameplay and survival. As in, NPCs you can converse with, that converse with each other (perhaps with little text bubbles with images depicting the conversation, similar to Terraria), have daily routines, roam the world, and even settle in your reclaimed and fortified towns.