What is your most hated gun in 3.0 you don't want to see in II in it's current state?

  1. Honeybadger AAC “PDW”

Everyone’s already hit this out of the park, so I’ll hold off on it.

  1. VSS/AS VAL “Matamorez”

The Matamorez is currently broken in so many ways. It manages to be OP and useless at the same time. Range is abysmal, caliber is wonky, and it is also able to raid.

  1. All LMGs

Aforementioned raiding problem.

  1. Shadowstalker & Shadowstalker Mk II

Unrealistic, and frankly, doesn’t really belong anywhere.

Side note:

Semi mode needs to actually work in 4.0. I’m pretty tired of the whole janky delay between shots when using any semi, burst, or melee weapon.