What is your most hated gun in 3.0 you don't want to see in II in it's current state?

No nnononoononononono If anything the Mata should be nerfed. All it is is suffering.

The Matta should be tweaked. Not nerfed. Add the range, reduce the damage, and I’d say put the mag at a constant 20~15 shots. As well as not being able to destroy buildables

When you guys are talking about lowering accuracy are you saying you dont want first shot accuracy? Because in 3.0 your bullet pretty much always goes where your cursor is when adsing

It’s a shit raiding gun tbh, using high cal ranger or high cal anything is a waste, the mag is already 17, and all you do if you make it 200 meters with low cal ranger is make it a direct upgrade to the Snay. My personal preference for it is making it a better raiding gun. Nerf player damage, up buildable damage, lower mag size to 10, and add more recoil.

Ehem, but last time I checked, the Matta was a Legendary item with legendary magazines. So of course it’s gonna be an upgrade. But don’t forget that the Snayper can have muzzle attachements while the Matta doesn’t. So High Cal weapons shouldn’t be used for raiding at all, but they still damage the structures a little bit. Damage on the matta should be reduced but the range added

Hawkhound should be buffed and also tweaked to Epic (Purple) category, because why not? It’s my favorite sniper-hunting rifle (yeah seriously). Can be found in camping locations but very rare. Schofield can stay. Sawed-Off should be removed, it’s pretty useless. Bulldog can be nerfed, maybe stay. Luger should be buffed, less recoil. Heartbreaker should have the same features as maplestrike except with less recoil but more reload time or less damage.
I don’t agree on removing the honeybadger, it can stay but i agree that it should use a different ammunition.

Tbh I don’t see a reason to use the Masterkey over the Sawed-Off.

Maybe you’re right. But they are almost the same :d

The Masterkey has slightly better range.

Since they are both likely to kill with their two shots anyways, IMO the small damage gain from the Sawed-Off isn’t worth it. The only notable advantage the Sawed-Off has is that it can be used as a sidearm, but it’s not that good of a sidearm to begin with.

Speaking of sidearms, in my personal preference, I never carry two guns at the same time if I’m going on a loot run. One is always left for melee.


Tbh I don’t shoot shotguns from beyond 10 meters to begin with, so for me it just comes down to the fact it takes up less inventory space and it deals more damage, although the Sawed-Off’s durability is absolutely trash.

But I’ll consider your opinion and compromise for its benefit. How 'bout we just rework it to be a 2-round burst-fire of explosive missiles. /s

I feel like with the increase of all shotgun ranges, it’d probably be pretty viable in Unturned II still. Make it quicker to use than its not-sawed-off counterpart and it’s good, even without any damage changes. Faster ADS speed, smaller inventory size (and less weight if that happens), faster equip speed, etc. Nerf it with some stupidly high recoil.

In fact, forget the whole “increased damage” thing entirely and just stick to the maneuverability advantages that are possible. Of course, that’s not exactly putting this in Unturned II in its “current state,” but that’s genuinely what should happen. Maybe saw the stock down too.

I don’t really get the ‘Remove bad guns’ motto from some people.


Remove the sawed-off. It’s redundant since you could just put a shorter barrel on the masterkey.

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