What’s your average FPS in Unturned?



Around 30 at the lowest settings possible. That number will change soon tho :eyes:

unturned ±30fps configs in avarege/high graphs

To comparasion

Rust ~50fps with avarege graphs removing just shadowns.
LeagueofLegends - Ultra +60fps
destiny 2 and +60fps in avarege configs
Rainbow6 - ~60fps in low
Minecraft 80~230fps deppend much of situation in game. fog in 12 chunks if i remember.

All in 1920 x 1080 (full HD)
unturned optimization is sucks!

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My Average Frames?


about 20 or 30

yea i know im living in that sweet cold stone age Macintosh Computer

About 50-60 on medium sized maps.
30 to 50 on large maps (Depending on the amount of custom objects and zombie numbers in one location,like big cities)

Generally high settings.

10-60 (capped)
unless I have ultra water graphics, then it’s 10 to like 35

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I can get 30 on max but used to be able to get 60.

60 FPS @ Ultra 1680x1050




Good night that cpu cost more than my computer

about 60 fps in more open areas and about 40-30 fps in cities, im running the game on an nvidia gtx 970 on ultra graphics

60 fps everywhere but cities where it goes down to about 40.

i get like 15 fps in large cities and 40-69 fps in other locations

Whats your average fps in Unturned?

  • 0
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 70
  • 80
  • 90
  • 100
  • 110
  • 120

0 voters


Hey that’s pretty smart


Mine is around 100!

I get 45 in populated areas (berlin, seattle, places like that) and 60 - 100 in wide open spaces. All on max graphics with a 1080p resolution.

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50-60 whit everything on and 200 whit everything off

We got a comedian on our hands boys.

I normally get 60FPS on mostly max and full render distance in the main menu, right as I get into the game it slowly turns into 45-60. In cities, it’s usually 30-40FPS. And whenever I get surrounded by tons of zombies, my FPS drops down to like 10-20 if I’m lucky enough to even get that much…

I’m thinking about getting a better processor currently, as that’s the issue. My CPU maxes itself out whenever I play most games nowadays, and I’ve finally realized that it’s not my graphics card that’s causing all of the lag issues in most games.

Edit: My FPS would go way up though if Unturned had better optimization. And I hope that whenever Unturned 4.0/Unturned 2 comes out, that the new Unturned is going to have much better optimization put into the game than the 3.0.