Will there be a female character model?

an extra player model would result in more modeling work for how clothes interact with said model. i think that’s plenty good of a reason to have one generic body type.

more female hairstyles would be nice tho for 3 or II


thank you teh for actually providing a reason against it.

What the fuck even is that argumentation


if you think it’s weak please provide a counterargument

I don’t know, vehicles are way different than add a curve or two/ more muscles in a character.

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how? the main difference between the jeep and the hatchback for example is it’s model.
the main difference between a male and female character model would be the exact same thing.

You have not provided one argument for it expect “I want”, so why would I bother typing up a counter argument? Plus sowrdninja makes a pretty convincing contra point.


My point was that games are more entertaining when they have variation. It was not “I want”. I want a counterargument because so far the arguments against it are as follows:
1.) people will make the characters have sex (???)
2.) it’s unnecessary (I already refuted this by saying that only having things for necessity sucks)
3.) it makes clothing harder (a valid point)



Wat? Where was that said?

It adds nothing of value, it’d look out of place, the list goes on

Solid agree

TL;DR You already got the pronoun filed. This is the whole give an inch analogy in full swing.


first response to this is warcorp saying that it shouldn’t be added due to rule 34

If it added nothing of value it wouldn’t be requested, modded in, etc. It wouldn’t look out of place unless you went the weirdo route and gave them massive boobs or something

lol ok whatever man

Ah, you made the (common) mistake of taking what Warcorp says for an actual argument. Its not.

*not requested by anyone but you

You know as well as I do the whole Captain Sydney/Maid Mod/Unturned waifu bullshittery going on is at least as much a meme as it is real

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Adding nothing of value doesn’t mean people won’t want it in the game, people suggest dumb and useless things for the game all the time. With the mods that add female bodies they already look weird and un unturnedy


you will note that i did not create the thread.

yes because they are hypersexualized. Presumably if Nelson added female character models (which he already has) they would be toned down (which they are)

Okay, correction: Not anyone that isn’t a random new user with no community presence. I did forget about the odd “gib untunred booba” posts, my bad.

So basically all you want is slight variety in character structure/skeleton or what? I don’t get it.

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In 4.0 if he makes the characters have an aesthetic that work with different bodies maybe they’d look good but for 3.0 it’d add more jank to an already janky mesh.


this is correct, yes. I want slight variety in the characters.

This is in the unturned 2 category, so i’m talking about unturned 2 only.

Basically what romelot wants is male characters to have a muscular build and female characters to have curves lmao

i said nothing like that. I just want two body types. making them stereotypical would be kinda dumb imho

What else would you make them…?
Juts one skinny and one far or what?