Wishlist Trello

please, some dark maps like russia or germany. i don’t mind the odd “bright map” like pei or hawaii but not too many please :slight_smile:


Here’s what I want:

-GPS tracking barricades that set out a marker on a map where you place them. Could be used to mark a special place or to follow something, like a car.

-Featured videos. Might seem like a stupid idea, but a lot of interesting videos are out there and sometimes hidden in plain sight.

-Easter eggs/references to Deadzone/2.0/3.0

-Animations for guns (Reload, Hammer animations and so on attached to Model_0 as component?)

-Instead of the basic car names we have now (Truck, Hatchback and such) there should be parodies of actual brands.

-Unique car sounds for the vehicles.

-Hold F to open door and get into the car, click Enter to start the car.

-Clock objects showing actual time.


More furniture!
Some ideas would be

Bedside Tables
Chest of Drawers/Dressers


Bullets being able to penetrate through certain surfaces?
This would make guns like the grizzly which fires .50BMG Extremely good


Also being able to bind medkits and stuff to Custom buttons(Like my side mouse buttons)?

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An NPC creation UI. I remember back when you announced them, you said that there might be some sort of menu you used to make NPC’s and quests. And maybe a dead body creation system that works similarly to NPCs but the bodies act as ragdolls. Everything else has pretty much been said already.


For 4.0 I realize that most of the community love the way the characters look and so do i, however I just thought that adding say more faces, different hair styles, just general better customization of your character would be lovely. It is a rather minor implication but I thought I would just mention that :slight_smile:


Also different kinds of zombies would be an amazing addition (I don’t mean crawler burner) but kinds that are unique to the different maps say in Russia there could be zombies holding vodka or something like that. (Just a example) even of they couldn’t do anything with it, it would be more emerse to see how quick the virus spread and how the soldiers for example couldn’t drop there things and are still holding them. It would just give some variation to the otherwise annoyances to a high tiered player. Also to have more detailed buildings as stated many times already. :slight_smile:


Zombine-like zombies! Some military zombies could take out a grenade and run towards you.

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Guys we need a snowy map. With objects we could use to make a map, More snow vehicles, skis, snowboard, skates Snowy birch trees/birch trees without leafs but its still not dead. Military stuff with snow camo (Vehicles).

  • So basicy here is the list for things I would really want to get in 4.0
  • Snowy map (Maybe Finland, Norway and Sweden border with 3 semi big cities from all of those countries)
  • Military vehicles with snow camo (Tanks, trucks, jeeps and also military dirt bikes)
  • Skis, snowboard and skates.
  • Also would be cool to get military cannons wich are in the ground in mountain slopes and you could try to shoot someones base with it, but it would also use some kind of rocket wich can be found from military bases or maybe crafted with expensive items.
  • Snow ghillie suit.
  • Custom music to stereo/More music to stereo
  • MP3 Device (Would work like stereo, but you can listen it anywhere unlike the stereo -_-)

So zombie terrorist?


I guess? If you played HL2: Episode 1 you would know what I was talking about.

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Exactly!!! I’m not the only one who thought it might be interesting xD

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Console versions LUL

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At a cinematic 24 frames a second right?

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Something that I would like is more variety in lifestyle, more foods, furniture, and even the character model itself is kinda limited

Edit: If Mega zombies will make it into 4.0, they need to actually be punishing, their rocks are weak if you have a couple of dressings on you, having exercise maxed out negates their extra speed, and for the love of God please fix the damn hesco/rock issue, being prone with a melee weapon and two bullets in the battle train area on Russia is just dumb.

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-Stray dogs and cats abandoned by dead owners, you can approach them carefully and try to tame them (please no Minecraft-like wolf taming :frowning: )

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ziplines would be zippy sliders

rappels would be ladders except they’re rope

grappling hooks would be spiderman lite

or at the very least support to add these

i wanna swing through a city like spiderman.


Maybe better graphics?

I think about things like:
-Color correction from LUT
-Better bloom
-Maybe Volumetric lightning
-Shading under objects
-Option for infinite shadows
-Tesselation (lol)
-More trees
-A bit better Godrays
-Mountains drop shadows (I know it was in the past and it didn’t work well, but I think it’s possible to make it)
-Better water reflections (Maybe some blur, haze)

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Whistleblower was an oridinary blockman until he got bitten by radioactive grappling hook.