Suicide mechanics in the game

So the community wanted features that spiraled 3.0 out of control… How does this correlate to shooting yourself in the head as “not a great difference”. Nothing has ever spiraled out of control to where the tone of the game or graphics got grim.

Glad we can agree there.

However, in a game that isn’t as graphic as COD (which would make it seem ok to parents), desensitizing kids to shooting themselves in the head, in a world where depression is on the rise, just doesn’t seem too great of an idea to me. But then again, I’m no psychologist…

And while it can make little to no difference to you and I mentally, it can have a lasting impact on those younger than us.

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Because despite the situation I described isn’t that graphic in-game, if you analyze the concept by itself you’ll realize that there’s not much to complain about desensitizing youngsters to shoot themselves while we see content which we could consider is “desensitizing” them to shoot other people in an overwhelming manner.

Anyway, I just think of it like that for it to make sense and avoid exploitability; in 3.0 suicide is just about a click of distance, and many people abuse it as a “gameplay advantage”… I see no complaints about how this would influence or encourage IRL suicide, so I’m sure it wouldn’t do if we tweak suicide as forementioned.

I also want to point out that A LOT of parents are careless on what they kids are playing, and I can be sure that at least the half of the bloodlusty kiddos that play Unturned have titles in their libraries which are at least 5x times as graphic, and still their parents don’t know or they don’t gaf about. I’m ok with certain level of “censorship” just to keep it clean, but pretending that we can make this a PG rated game, when from the bare start it isn’t, is just naive.

And also…

CoD series are like a kindergarden documentary in terms of graphic violence by these days if you ask me.



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I do :unamused:


Desensitizing people to shooting each other isn’t as harmful because most people wouldn’t dream of killing another person. Suicide is different in that you aren’t hurting anyone (physically anyways). Which is precisely why more people are killing themselves than they are each other.

In a time when depression is on the rise, desensitizing kids to blowing out their brains just doesn’t seem all that great to me. But hey, I’m probably in over my head.

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As someone who does that often (I’m not psycho though… Am I?), I can tell you that you could be wrong there. I can assert that everyone has done so, at least once in their life, for even a real dumb reason.

Well, actually you could be seriously wrong there: the countries on which suicide rates surpasses by much homicide rates are mostly european contries, on which censorship on games and media in general is way more strict than in the US or third world countries (like mine).

Well, just like depression is rising, so is doing hatred; if you believe that videogames, no matter how violent they are, can’t influence someone to be violent, then you can’t think of the opposite about being suicidal.

I’m a NMRIH player, game on which you can shot yourself, as graphic as it is and for preventing the exact scenario I depicted before. Do you know how many people does it? I can say that almost NONE. Why? Not because it’s “too horrible to see”, but because:

a) They don’t know how to, or what is it for.
b) They don’t give a f*** about ruining the rest of the match for their partners as a reanimated runner zombie.

Probably, just probably it happens exactly the same on Unturned, having it’s graphic side little to nothing to see. The goal is to make suicide non-spammable and maybe even a bit more punishing, thus making it another exploit less respect to the previous game, because c’mon, exploits like suiciding over and over again just to respawn closer to your base just kills a bit the hardcore thing the game is trying to approach.


Making suicide more graphic or atmospheric wouldn’t improve actual gameplay any more than this would and creates more work than this would. The only thing you could say about it is that the impact on the atmosphere and marketing of the game would be different. Clearly, not objectively better, just different.


I’m gonna go ahead and concede this to you. I’m not a psychologist; this is definitely way out of my comfort zone. It just raised a red flag for me, that’s all.

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As the game is becoming more realistic, it would make sense if we ged rid of the insta-suicide button and implement conventional (yet still instant) suicide methods. But if it stays like that anyway, then the cooldown would be the best patch for it.


Suddenly a topic I did almost a month ago became very popular.

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“Popular” isn’t the word I’d use. Polemic is the right term.

Themes like this being introduced into games are always polemic, however.


The game DayZ has a mechanic like OP is describing. You can choose to commit suicide with a selection of weapons, tools, chemicals. You can also allow the environment to kill you via drowning, burning, zombie mauling, starvation, etc.

DayZ is a pretty cutthroat game, however, and many players would see this addition to Unturned as unwelcome. A decent middle-ground solution would be to make this an option for players and server owners.

Users who enjoy RP or a more difficult experience may enjoy the idea of having no easy way out of scenarios. This would also make finding an optimal spawn location require more effort than a button push; you’d have to play pattycake with some zombies first!


when i said ‘’ popular ‘’ wanted to state that he is having a lot of discussion and comments on a topic of almost a month usually a topic is popular for 1 or 2 days and it simply dies.

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Ah, I remember “No More Room In Hell.”
And what happened when I accidently pressed ‘K’ instead of ‘L’, which was my keybinding for Discord push to talk.


(10 chars).


In all seriously not joking as well this would be bad cause if you decided to put this in the game it would be rated M for mature technically all teen and kids plays this game and some have depression so if you add a feature like this it might make the person kill themselves i know it hard says that but in some cases it true and it happens to a lot of kids.Almost around 19,000 or more has attempt to committed suicide as a kid and that bad because all of them or half of them were bullied so yea this might happen.How so? Well everyone try to take their mind off of a test they work so hard on or to take they mind off of a break up what they do is mostly play a game,or watch a video a funny one so it would be bad for something like this to happened so yea that my responds to this post.

If anyone who see this comment just note that am trying to make a point here that this feature could be a problem to how the game function and to how people function mentally do not hate on this comment all am trying to do is to say that it wrong no offense to the author it not family friendly and can do some harm.

Ok goodnight

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So you mean that because I love Hotline Miami and I live in a sh*thole on which there are high crime rates since getting a gun is “illegal” yet easy af, then I’m gonna make a mass murder?

Basically just this.

Also pointing out: the cases of suicide related to videogames (that I’ve seen at least) are because some troubled kiddo is grounded then not allowed to play games, instead of being related to playing a specific game which subliminally or directly suggested them to commit suicide; I’ve played several games with suicidal references and even had issues with thoughts of that nature, but I can clearly assure that it was all because of external (hence real) problems rather than the games.

Just to clarify, once more: I do not agree with the way suicide is suggested nor depicted in this post, but I want to put things on their right place.


But in case of a BUG for example i end up getting stuck in 2 boulders and i need suicide to exit of him BUT i dont have anything to kill me. wath i make? wait?!


Whats stopping it from just being a right click on the gun/knife and it does a drop down like in 3.0, with one of the options being suicide, which then insta kills you, making a gunshot noise if you shot yourself

Bugs are probably a good reason why a suicide button was implemented. I hope that you’d be able to simply walk through one of the boulders. This could probably be mitigated by reloading a singleplayer game or rejoining a server to reset your player’s position where they could properly move.

Commands are always an option in case a player was stuck and had no way of getting out. In singleplayer mode you could choose to only use the “cheats” for this purpose. In multiplayer, you would have to hope that a server’s admin is online and willing to teleport you out of there.

A similar deal with falling under the map, though you could either drown in the endless oceanscape underneath or die from falling into the void beneath the map. Pretty crummy way to have it end, but at least you can keep playing! :smiley: