Vehicles: I think all of the vehicles (types and presentation) is gud. Im not going to say the obviously things, like “plz Nolson fix the fizikz”. Okay first of all, now Nolson have the tire system, what about, different types of tires? Like antibullet tires, 4x4 tires (for ice and deserts) and that type of stuff. Also, more customization for the cars, like, in unturned 3.0 we have to place plates in windows, (and its pretty shabby in my opinion) so maybe, craftable windows, tires (again), spoilers,etc.
Melee: So its confirmed in Unturned Trello that the melee system is going to be improve, and some weapons are going to stunt. Thats cool. I think it would be great if the stunt weapons can make player unconscious, and take their body to your base…and then…whatever your heart desires…(Yeah, manoman)
Rags: I love the rag system, but I have a suggestion that it can be in the “Gore options” that are going to be completely optional. When you finish putting on the rag, you still losing some blood (not hp, just blood) and the rag is completely submerged in blood. And obviously this means that the rag could still in your charachter for some minutes.
Broken leg: Different walking in third and first person.
NPCs: So, there are going to be AI Bandits, but I didnt saw any suggestion about friendly moving NPCs. Like, in the coalition one rank is about having your own squad, the first time i read that i thought that they were AI soldiers.
Zombies: Different sounds for each zombie type, so you can recognise zombies just hearing them.
Gamemode: Now that Unturned is “copying” EFT, it would be cool an Escape From Tarkov gamemode…
Voice: Yeah, talking NPCs would be great, but something more simple too: Wounded screamings, burn people while hearing painful screamings, will be very inmersive. (Like Rust voices)
World: I dont want to just feel scared about players in the night, I also want to feel scared about the enviorement.
Deadzone: (THIS IS A LIST)
-Deadzones are fully radiactive, so how about infected animals and mutants
-Anomalies (like in stalker)
-If something/someone hits you in the gasmask, it could break (like in Metro 2033/Last Light) but you can quickly repair it with ducktape, just for 1 minute until it breaks again, that minute is for escaping the deadzone. (Like in the upcoming Metro Exodus)
More animals, craftable cloth from animals furr. Different weapons, and I dont mean like NEW MK3 or THE INTERVENTION(epic/mythical wepons) i mean civilian weapons, like the mosin, m1 garand, mp40, civilian weapons that can fight against military weapons if the players is skilled.
A lighter, to fire campfires, torchs, iluminate if you dont have any flashlights…
Guitar: With deppresive melodies, like in stalker, so while is full moon, i can play the guitar. (useless shit I know)