Where I live doesn’t exist…
Checkmate, non-flat Earthers!
Where I live doesn’t exist…
Checkmate, non-flat Earthers!
As an Aussie, yeah Australia is huge, but like Canada and America and Russia we all have our developed parts and our rural areas. Like in Canada, there is a large amount of nothing up top, and Russia, Siberia could be its own few maps. An Australian map can cover the developed areas, prehaps Queensland, NSW or Victoria. You could even combine NSW and VIC into one map with two large city’s (Melbourne and Sydney) and Canberra in the middle.
If I had it my way would be this, and Perth is a safe zone area that player is told about but cannot go.
Um Victoria isn’t spelt NSW, it’s VIC just letting you know for next time.
I believe Victoria is actually spelt ‘SHIT’, just letting you know that for next time. NSW is better, you can’t change my mind. The only thing worse than Victoria is Tasmania.
I’m sorry but you don’t seem to get the point, here is the ranking of city’s/ states
Victoria, names after a queen containing the voted best city in the world, second largest city and is the best.
NSW, to be fair they are quiet well developed but the people there are so unaustralian, names after a part of England not anything good.
Has spiders that hide and chase you and rio your leg off.
Westen Australia, a lot of nothing but I have nothing bad to say about them, it’s like a mini Melbourne and Sydney in Perth.
Northern Territory, lots of nothing but still lots of wildlife and they were the only part of Australia to be attacked by war.
Queensland a hot tourist location that people only go to for a holiday no one visits Brisbane.
South Australia, is Adelaide even a city?
Tasmania, some wildlife and apples, needs money from the rest of the country.
Canberra, not even costal city, has our useless politians and dose nothing.
As you can see I have been kind and placed your crappy state below mine.
Bruh Melbourne isn’t the most liveable city anymore, it lost that ranking in 2018 I’m pretty sure. The people in NSW are very fucking Australian, your state is filled with shitty hipsters and has a protest every other week.
NSW on the other hand is the better state. We have a more well known city that is only less liveable because of bogans who are probably agents from the Victorian Government set to make Sydney appear less liveable. Our state is named after a part of Britain, not England. Oh and I’m pretty sure there’s spiders in Victoria too.
Your shitty gold rush is the only reason why your state is where it’s at today. It’s also a state controlled by the Labor Party, which on its own is disgusting enough.
TL;DR, Victoria bad
True we are controled by the shitty labor party, but I can see from the eureka tower how shitty like life is in Sydney. And yeah we lost our greatest city title in 2018, but at LEAST we had one for over 7 years running. While we are here vote on it Vote which is better
I can see from the Centrepoint Tower, which is 4 metres taller than your virgin tower all the protests in your shit city. By the way, I don’t live in Sydney.
So it seems I have misjudged you. I have no hate for the state of NSW, I have lost my composure for a moment there, Sydney May be a shithouse but I’m sure the rest of nsw isn’t as bad.
Were else do you live then Newcastle or orange. (legit why is there a place called orange)
Same, no hate for Victoria. I guess we can all agree: Fuck Queensland and Tasmania.
Btw, I’ll just say that Newcastle is my closest city.
Now Yarrrr’s going to mass delete this thread because he’s a smelly Victorian.
Oh well, goodbye thread.
(10 characters)
That list is only skyscrapers, the Centrepoint Tower is defined as a ‘structure’ which sadly means it’s beat by a bunch of virgin radiomasts.
how are you gonna have a map with no guns?
Did you just make sydney harbour bridge… have two arches?? excuse me as a sydney native this is heresy
This is true
dont start this again…
It was the only bridge avaible that was not compund,wanted me to put it upside down ?
I suppose it’s better than making an entire suspension bridge out of barrels… (I have seen it done before, and it lags my PC even thinking about it.)