Bandit- NPC "Easteregg"

I know its not a easteregg like the Shadowstalker Mk. II, its just two sentences you can read while talking to Chef Leonard on the Liberator on the Russia map.
How to read it: get to Chef Leonard and start a conversation with him. You have 3 possibilities to say to him: “do you want to trade?”, “goodbye” and “who are the rangers?”. When you ask him about the Rangers, he is going to say that the rangers are a group of guys who kill people for their own gain.
I think that its pretty sure now that we will get a Bandit group on Russia who is called “Rangers”.
What do you guys think?

Who told you that were getting rangers on Russia? And besides, even if Russia was getting Ranger NPCs, why would (out of all NPCs) the chef be the one to tell you about them?

Also, please refrain from using the 4.0 section if the topic isn’t even about 4.0


First point: nobody told me that we are getting Rangers. I wrote “I think”. Its my opinion, concluded from the sentence of Leonard.
Second point: I think Nelson has hide this information there, because nobody would expect it there. Its holidays and we will have Christmas soon. Explain why he should do the work and add a completely nonsense sentence to a NPC, while he has more important stuff to do?
I think its a pretty useful information we’ve got there: 1.: we know now that there is a second group of survivors out there. Thats not very new, we already know this since to Traitor quest. 2.: we know that they are bad, but this is also not new (like in 1.). 3.: the group has now a name: “Rangers”.

All three informations, in a time people discuss about NPC- bandits for 4.0 and hidden in a conversation where nobody would expect it? Pretty obvious for a useless information, isn’t it?

But that’s not true, that dialogue doesn’t exist at all.

This entire post isn’t real. :v

EDIT: I think that you’re playing on a custom version of Russia, and that the creator of that custom version took the idea of ranger-grade items and decided that they needed lore. In actuality: ranger-grade items are just a caliber of sorts, nothing fancy. They’re most commonly used by militia groups on PEI, Yukon, Washington, and Hawaii. On Russia, ranger-grade items are primarily used by the military. On Germany, they’re used by the Syndicate and the military.


I wasn’t talking about Nelson being on vacation, nor was I talking about your opinion. I was talking about how even if Rangers were in the game, the chef wouldn’t be the one to have exposition on them.

Besides, Nelson said that he wasn’t planning on adding roaming NPC’s to 3.0 that could attack you. He was thinking about it for 4.0 however, but that wasn’t what you were discussing.

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Maybe you have to restart the map. I’ m playing the official russia map. I’ll try to post some screenshots tomorrow to prove it’s not a fake

It’s not in the game at all. Out of the 413 localization files between Russia and Hawaii, “ranger” is only mentioned once. It’s the description of the Coalition armory vendor:

Looking for military/ranger ammunition and trading surplus gear.

That’s the only time ranger is ever mentioned. Posting screenshots of your mod list would be more useful, btw.


The other options mentioned aren’t entirely correct either. They are:

I’d like to trade
Where do you get your supplies?
I’ve got this note for you


He’s referring to the NPCs on the Overgrown 3++ map.
That’s a line of dialogue I recognize.

When someone has been playing with custom content for too long :thinking:

I clearly saw it on Russia today and it was the first time. I also play Overgrown 3 for a long time.
I’m proud to see you under my topic, comrade. Plz don’t send me to Gulag when I made mistake

Ok guys I’ll make a solution : i will uninstall all NPC mods for unturned and post a screenshot after it tomorrow to prove I’m right. If I was wrong I will delete this topic

Sure mate, although you can’t prove the files wrong in anyway


This is correct. It’s dialogue from Chef Raven. The Rangers are a faction on that map.


Ok you all were right it’s gone after I uninstalled all mods.
Somebody knows how I could delete this topic?