Destroyed citys

We aren’t saying it will. We are saying most maps don’t take place directly after the outbreak. It would be perfectly reasonable for a map to take place three-six years into the apocalypse

a building wont collapse in 2 years, or even 30.

have you seen Chernobyl? Its been 30+ years since it was abandoned, and its still standing EASILY.

the only human intervention is to build that huge structure in the background to contain the radiation.



sandwich fox

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technically a building could collapse in a year, but its dependent on the vegetation growth. For one, The Growth could be rapid, that it gets in the building, moving bricks, and slowly destroying the building.

no, the vegetation couldn’t grow that fast. Id say around 10 years at least, in areas with high vegetation growth.

And judging from Nelson’s current view of the turned, the buildings would have extremely weakened infrastructure in II

why do you say that? Hell, the buildings have a ton thicker walls and such to account for the players thickness.

WHY just we can have more maps like ones that happen after the infection (weeks idk) and ones that happen
25 years after the infection ( or just fecking use workshop maps in case Nelson will not release maps that happen
25 fecking yers after the infection ( idk destroy the lore ) )
P.S I hope you get what i said.

let’s say the the map took 1 week after the outbreak and the military decided to bomb the cities and what about rioting and the chaos that would happen in the outbreak?, wouldnt there be some damaged buildings in that case ?

sandwich fox

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First of all, literally no millitary would bomb innocent civilians, bigger the crowd, bigger to no-no.

Also, any sort of riot would be easily supressed, especially if they started damaging private property. Remember, there’s a difference between borderline genocide and being tough on law enforcement.

hmmm well if there is an zombie outbreak then the military would start bombing if there were zombies in the city or town, if it is a week into the zombie outbreak the military would start killing whoever is in the city or town with the infected. Some militaries bomb towns with innocent civilians .

there are a shitton countries who would like to show basic human rights as a reason then declare war, you’re forgetting that there are tens of nations and do you really think they’re just gonna get together because of an unknown virus? Like I said, the second you start killing civilians, several countries will show human rights and the virus as an excuse then nuke it from orbit.

not to mention, do you really think people would not get mad after civilians get bombed? they would realize that the government is basically fucked then arm themselves, steal and loot and murder, and I don’t think the virus would survive when everyone is basically shooting at each other in a nation-wide guerilla war

also, remember, millitary generals are not heartless fuckers, I mean you can do some research, there are times where they refuse to bomb a mountain because there might be 2 civilian hostages, not even confirmed, you have to remember that the country is working for the people, not the other way around

what you said is literally impossible

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Well now i see your point i think it would make more sense if the goverment first evacuates the civilians and then they would bombard the city or they simply make quarantine zones inside the cities

As I said, damaged buildings, looters and zombies have been running through. Zombies could have done damage. Not all buildings will have damage. But prehaps leaks in roofs ect.

What I’m saying is if there is a zoMbie outbreak in a city most of it is infected. It would be dumb to send troops to kill the thousands of zombies in there most likely they will bomb a portion of a city with mostly zombies and civilians in it.
Since it’s a zombie outbreak other countries will be dealing with their own outbreak so I doubt any of them would care if another country had to destroy a city because most of it is infected.

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If the country is actually worried about losing all the cash that went into the city, they will send in troops.

Who the fuck cares about money?
Worry bout survival less about mon

If governments cared about humanity’s survival, they would actually work on getting people off this disaster waiting to happen of a planet.

True true but they went the cheaper way and set up survivor camps that didn’t work out

you can just put the entire area in quarantine and build an artifical wall of supplied soldiers (Yes, that’s a thing.) that can just kill whatever comes thru, zombie or not

do you see the issue with your claims? even someone with zero millitary planning expeirence can figure out better plans than yours, and not bomb survivors