Doors and locks

I did say that the battering ram should be useless against all locks from the code-lock and above, and can only be used on a wooden door. Keeping it as a melee weapon would be kind of bad because the way I set it out is that it would be an epic-rarity spawn in police-grade locations.

I also stated that it should be single use as to balance it. Say you’re raiding a base, you could save it for a door that you know good loot is behind. Or you could get lucky and find a bunch and hope that they all have wooden doors.

I can see where you are coming from with the damage against structures mechanic, and, a bit unrelated, but I think if you light a base on fire it should burn most of the items if they’re not in say, a locker. Like real fire.

Your battering ram post =/= this post

Ah. Mine’s better imo

Or we can simply use Sledge Hammers, Camp Axes, Fire Axes (they’re basically built to break down doors), and Battering Rams. All of these can be used to break down wooden doors. Battering ram being the slowest, but highest in damage. The hammer being in the middle, and the axe being the fastest but does least damage (still decent amount of damage, just not as good as the others)


I couldn’t agree more, but how would we balance the axes because these would be common spawns, right?

I personally do not think a battering ram should be added. Here’s why.

Sledge hammers and other melees like it could be used to break wooden stuff, but they should be balanced by the fact that they can break (i.e animation plays where the head of your sledge hammer breaks off).

A battering ram couldn’t really do that. You can’t just break the handle of of a ram.

I also hope for more building tiers in 4.0. There should be at least four tiers total.

Make camp axes do low damage
As for fire axes, simply make them more rare.
They aren’t overpowered as they would require a bunch of swings and make a lot of noise in the process and at the same time encouraging people to use metal doors if available

Haven’t we already discussed building tiers a loooooonh while ago. Hound and I made the ideas and a lot of people liked it.

But if I’m on a low population server, I could technically raid everyone as long as they’re using wooden doors, with just an axe.

actually fire damage could be balanced, usually if theres a wooden base, theres wooden crates, so maybe if something is made of wood and is burned down, all the items in it would be destroyed.

Yeah that’s what I’m thinking too.

With a low population server, you won’t find wooden doors. Because everyone would have the oportunity to build metal doors by that time since it’s less risky to go out.

id say cap it at 3

you can break the handle of the ram lol

yea you could get into their base but not raid them with just an axe youd need a way to break lockers n such

If they have wooden doors then they’d logically have crates.

Not necessarily
Not all people are stupid, ya know :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you implying that all people who use crates are stupid?

Well fuck, better pay attention in school then, because apparently I’m stupid now :thinking:

But you don’t use crates permanently tho
A lot of people do.
Putting a honeybadger in a crate and a Grizzly with a 16x scope in a wooden wardrobe

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