So shortly about face wear
I think that face wear in UII should be much more “interesting” than in 3.0. In 3.0 we have the balaclavas that does basically nothing, same with the bandanas. Gasmasks in the other hand does more, they protect from radiation… nightvision goggles lets you see in the dark and so on… It ain’t that interesting and there isn’t that much variety.
In UII I wish to see face shields, ballistic face masks, respirators, goggles, and so much more.
Face protection
there should be different kinds of face protection, lets take face shields and ballistic face masks for example
there are many different kinds of face shields

these are for example connected to the helmet

while these are not
they all should have their pros and cons, but they should be balanced
some should be upgradable/customisaizable in some degree while others should have less upgrading/customizating possibilities.
Respirators and gasmasks
there should be different kinds of gasmasks, some protect more and some less, and the same with respirators,

I also think that there should be different types of makeshift gasmasks/respirators too,
for example an jetpilot breathing tube and the mouth covering part, connected to an smaller car radiator that you have on your back or something connected to your bag, with an car battery connected to it… could make cleaner air for you to breathe.
Goggles and such things
I think goggles should totally be added, to different purposes and all, and even if they might not protect you from bullets or such things, they might protect your eyes from, for example dust, if you are in an desert and ta sandstorm rises for example, or from water when you run in rain and stuff like that, and if you drive your car without a windshield, and so on. they should also be usable even f you have an respirator of some sort and such things.
goggles with faceprotection

also like makeshift goggle-respirator connected protection stuff

please comment and vote what you think about these, thank you
- Yes, its good
- Yes, but I would change… (comment what)
- No, I do not like it
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