If this is to be implemented what would warrant the player’s death in a balanced manner?
Assuming only body parts essential for the sustenance of life are the exceptions to what would result in a player’s death: I’m certain nobody wants to have to shoot an enemy’s arm an infinite amount of times without them winding up dead, something which I don’t think the community would like; extrapolate here?
On the topic of ‘shooting an enemy’s arm an infinite amount of times’, the addition of this feature would also call for medical items which would be mandatory for the treatment of certain wounds.
Here are some:
A tourniquet is a device used to cut off blood circulation in a limb, in case somebody’s limb is bleeding severely to prevent death from critical bleeding.
Tourniquets aren’t popular with civilian usage due to the possibility of necrosis in the affected limb. However, in tactical applications they are commonly used as proper aid can take a very long time to arrive and wounds are severe. -
Chest Seal
A dressing applied to wounds which have pierced the victim’s lung.
The chest seal prevents air from coming in the chest cavity and collapsing the lung, while allowing air to come out.
Because bullets tend to have an exit wound: you may need two. -
Hemostatic agents
Hemostats are agents used to stem bleeding on a molecular level, made for wounds too severe for a pressure bandage, but cannot be treated with a tourniquet due to their location.
Hemostats are difficult to remove from wounds, complicating later treatments, while being slower to apply than a tourniquet.
Hemostats come in different forms, such as: gauze, pure powder, syringe injectors, and sponges. These all work just as well as the others. -
Pressure bandages
Pressure bandages are specialized bandages used to apply pressure to a wound, stemming bleeding by collapsing veins.
Normally used in serious bleeding cases which do not warrant a tourniquet or hemostatic agent. -
Chest decompression needles
Sometimes a chest wound will allow air to go inside the chest cavity when inhaling, while not allowing air to come out when exhaling. This causes air to build up in the chest cavity, deflating and collapsing the lung, this severe condition requires immediate attention.
To relieve this condition a needle has to be punched through the patient’s chest allowing the pressurized air to be relieved.
If the user doesn’t have the experience required to use it: results may be fatal. -
Gloves prevent your patient from getting infected by your hands while also protecting you from and blood-borne diseases they may have. -
Nasal and oral airways
An airway is a tube inserted nasally/orally into the patient’s airways, forcing them to stay open. If the patient goes unconscious, there’s a high chance their airways close shut and they asphyxiate. -
This one is obvious.
Of course there are more, but I felt I just needed to get some of the more major ones down.
Despite the fact there’s more to say: I won’t say any more.