Hello there ! This week Rolling_Chair and I worked on the Valkyrie, which is an assault helicopter as shown below :
The Valkyrie has 4 seats, and 2 of them are mounted dragonfangs on the sides.
Rolling also worked on new guns, and I worked on the mountains of the map.
Reykjavik, the main city.
Thank you for reading, If you have suggestions or questions, ask us below 
Iceland Weapon Devlog : Iceland weapons Dev
might want to not have 2 dragonfangs, just a thought.
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The “dragonfangs” are now HMGs, but they will change to low caliber weapons (they will not be able to destroy structures or good vehicles)
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i would recommend not having 2 though.
whats wrong with one on each side? they are low caliber and thats how military helicopters usually are.
in terms of balance, it’s um. A bit overkill.
not really. you probably can find the weapons mounted on it easier than finding the heli.
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@Rolling_Chair is that a comanche?
sorry for the late reply and yes it is
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you did a bang on job brother
a lil sugestion for the map… put sum NPC on it to makte the map more alive… even if it just an vendor or an NPC with simple quest…
Do you realize this is a 4 month old post? The map maker may have already have created NPCs by now.
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So i made NPCs, and I have been making the map for 1 year now lol
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