Let's talk about guns

I think that the gun balance plays a big role in any game that involves weapons in one way or another. I want to know what do people think - which guns are good, which are bad, which are okay, what gun is almost good, which one is too good or too bad, which one from curated maps should appear in other, default maps, which attachment needs some changes to it, which attachment is not yet there but would be good to have and so on.


The nail gun is the best gun.

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Sportshot is obviously better


The Sportshot is so good I forgot about it.


The whole guns system needs a rework. I feel like currently it’s very poorly balanced with clear guns taking the ‘meta’.
The best guns are as it stands (in no order)

I feel if your using any guns other than this, it’s being used for an specific niche (i.e. depending on map type and ammo avaliability) and you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage vs people using this gun.


I also wish that pistols had some sort of buff for some reason to use it the only time I ever catch myself using a pistol is I found no rifles or I need a cheap civy gun besides that never used pistols out of it. You could allow it so you can bind pistols I’ve seen a mod on the workshop do it those I at least used for PvE due to it’s another gun I can just swap to when i run out.

I looked into the files about the stats and a few need a buff in particular is the Heartbreaker it does 40 player damage which is the same for the Maplestrike’s damage. So why ever use a Heartbreaker maybe if it’s common and it’s the only gun you find is about the only reason. Low cal ranger weapons can never really compete with the Maplestrike due to the damage difference is 3 which is way too low to change much maybe with armor it’s a small bit but it’s not noticeable. But in general a lot of the guns need a rework. To name a few on it Heartbreaker (entire rework), Maplestrike (little less damage so ranger guns can compete), Scalar (little more damage to compete with Honeybadger), Bulldog (It does too little damage for ranger ammo), Yuri (same issue with bulldog maybe allow it to have more recoil control)

It’s also hard to even rework we can change the recoil, damage, and range, sure but there needs to be more mechanics for example the weight this could change the ADS of the gun and your movement speed, there also should be more rounds so you could have AP rounds for a civy gun so they could punch above their weight. A lot of this would have to wait for U4 but I believe you could make high caliber civilian or AP rounds just something to allow civilian guns to punch above their weight granted this is also asking for a rework of ammo now.


We can already say that there will be more mechanics in Unturned 2. We can already see that Nelson strives for realism and is largely inspired by such grams now as Arma DayZ and even Tarkov, the trend of hardcore games is making itself felt. Nelson wants to make a more interesting chew.
And the weapon will definitely be with a large number of mechanics, BUT with a bias towards realism. You can not even wait for 2 buffs and perks for weapons in Unurned. It will be, like in life, good and bad weapons, in demand and not so much.

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And I’ll tell you what about the pistols.
This is a second-chance weapon, if you lost your main weapon in battle, ran out of ammo, or perhaps you yourself were severely wounded and unable to operate a full-fledged weapon, then the pistol is your second chance


Yeah granted all of this stuff has to wait until U4. Though I love the idea of having your arm break mid combat and instead use a pistol this would get rid of the SMG secondary meta as it would be harder to use one handed compared to a pistol.

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The pistol should not be equal to the machine pistol in efficiency, and the machine pistol should not be equal to the assault rifle
This is realism
In reality, there is no balance, there is no equality and justice - these concepts were invented by stupid people to equalize what will never be equal


The mechanics of a broken arm, which affects what kind of weapon can be used, is difficult to implement and it carries a huge layer of bugs, for this reason, even in games like Arma 3, this is not there, And this game is a military simulator

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You could do what Tarkov does I like the system with blacked limbs and have it so it your ADS and recoil really terrible unless you use a pistol with the not broken arm

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In tarkov, there is no difference between a pistol or a submachine gun if your limb is killed. on the contrary, it is better to have a machine gun, because using painkillers, there is a chance to give the last battle even with dead limbs

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alas, but a pistol is a second chance weapon, it is not a full-fledged weapon in war

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Although I do agree with you, I think the logic to ‘just wait for unturned 2’ is not a good one. Unturned 3 will still be a game, even when Unturned 4.0/II is released. It may still be unbalanced at that point (and probably will), but shrugging off arguably ‘bad’ gameplay mechanic for the hope that it will be fixed in another game seems kinda sad to me. Theres many things that unturned 3 could do to improve gun balancing without too much of a change/effort.
Idk I’m excited for Unturned II, but then again I’m not going to leave unturned 3.0 completely in the dust and I still think it will be popular to some extent. So I dont see why the extra effort shouldn’t be put in towards Unturned 3 (and I think this mentality was recently adopted by Nelson and explains all the awesome new updates we are getting to 3.0 + I cant wait for more)
And it’s not even about realism, more just from a fun gameplay perspective. If I want to use a different assult rifle to everyone else, I shouldn’t have to be put at a clear disadvantage to them, but instead play to that specific weapons strengths.

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Yeah I agree on the logic of waiting for U4 that’s why I gave some ways you could balance it in U3 but the issue will prevails we would need more systems that allow more game play mechanics for the gun play to be changed ie weight or some others I can’t think of them atm. The other thing is realism is not a thing here in Unturned guns for example the Bulldog is in 9mm IRL while the Cobra is in 9mm IRL also so would they have same damage, wrong cobra does 25 bulldog 20. Another is maplestrike and nightraider both IRL take 5.56 maplestrike does 40 while nightraider is 43. There’s countless examples of that If you want realism wait for U4 but yeah I agree on there should not be a rigid gun meta. U3 is pretty rigid system for guns from what I can tell though so it’s hard to break that meta to a degree. Nelson could change stats for it and fix it to a degree.


The problem with your thinking is that you want development, talk about new mechanics, and then broads and words about balance
Balance is not new mechanics, there is no balance in any game because it is always subjective, and in life it does not exist anymore, there are specifically constructively unsuccessful automata, which are inferior to others - only the automaton designer is to blame for this, which could not make it worthy of it
Survival means you use whatever comes your way, no matter the best rifle or the bad

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New mechanics don’t = balance
new mechanics mean new features and weapon counters, but that would be very cool in Unturned 3, I even made a topic about it. Underbarrel grenade launcher
But we must admit that ordinary players do not care about new chips, and for Nelson, the introduction of new mechanics is a large layer of work, which he will not agree to, until the players of all the community unanimously ask him


I didnt mean to suggest new mechanics, only balancing the current guns and not waiting for a new game to fix all the problems. I do agree new mechanics does not directly = balance. I was suggesting smaller implementations with the current system to improve ‘fairness’ of particular guns.
Im still conflicted about your thinking. Maybe a translation issue? I would go on but I might make a separate post about this entirely.
Also maybe try and and do one big post with all your thoughts, rather than spamming the topic with a bunch of smaller responses.


talk about guns

pick up gun
pull trigger
gun go bllllllllllllllllllllllllat bllllllllllllllllllllllllat bllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllat bllllllllat chick shick chi-ching

conversation over