Hi Nelson,
I’m sorry to bother you with these suggestions and hope you find the time to read these. Don’t feel obligated to add these suggestions whatsoever. I play unturned for around 2 years now I think and have around 1K hours. I play the game for pvp. I like hard servers with low loot spawns and hard to get raiding gear.
Sorry if there are any misspellings btw, english is not my native language.
Btw I think you should find someone to help you with building the game. Maybe not for building new components for the game, but to help you optimize the game. He might be able to see how you could improve the game and fix bugs. He could also help in getting things like textures and sounds worked out.
These are the things that must be added to unturned II in my opinion:
- A way to identify players from far away. I always make friends and enemies on servers and I need a way to see if someone is my friend or enemy. Remembering their outfit is too hard for me. I’d like there to be something like a nametag that only appears when you look directly at a player and press a special button to trigger the nametag. This way you won’t be able to spot players with the nametag instead of the character.
- A way to identify groups. In unturned 3.0 you can see which players are grouped when you look at all the players online. They are connected with lines. What if you would give these lines a color. This color would correspond to the group. All the group members will have this color on their character. Maybe a patch on their shoulder or something. Otherwise it might be cool to add group shields. A logo (shield) that every group can make. This shield would appear on their shoulder for instance.
- I would not like a mechanic for player speed based on weight to be added. This makes it too easy for less geared players to stalk well geared players. Furthermore it would require me to constantly drop items I don’t need and sort my inventory alot of times when looting. I think its already taking enough time to sort my inventory in 3.0.
- Bases will despawn after a certain time period. I think a balanced time period would be 20 days. If a player is not online for 20 days his base will despawn to free up space and clear lag on the server. If the player has buildings owned by a group it wouldn’t despawn. Buildings owned by a group will only despawn if the entire group was not online for 20 days.
- The ability to tweak spawnrates for each item or item category. This way you can tweak the balance of a map the way you want it. For instance I could let the server spawn more chainsaws, more medical supplies and make it really rare for raiding gear to spawn for instance.
- The ability to disable an item on servers. For instance you could disable the horde beacon which makes it impossible to find or craft one.
- The ability to disable grass should not be in the game in my opinion. Everyone disables the grass right now, because it gives you an advantage when trying to spot other players. This makes the game look ugly, makes it too easy to spot players and gives a huge disadvantage for those who don’t disable it.
- The ability to rob players. Right now I can choose to kill a player or let them live. I mean you can ask them what they have in their inventory but they will most likely lie. This forces me to kill players if I want just one item that they have. If they could surrender to me and let me see their inventory and take what I want, they would not die and have to start all over from the start. Instead they only lose a few items and keep their clothes, medical supplies, food, etc.
- An option that enables servers to enable or disable skybases. When the skybases are disabled and you the support of a flying base, the base would just fall apart and break. This way admins don’t have to look for skybases and ban the owners of them if they don’t want to allow skybases on their server.
- More realistic fall damage. Right now if you fall from a helicopter from really high you don’t die, but just break your legs and lose a bit of health. I think you should die when falling from too high.
- Right now players render before zombies (and other small objects in the map). This way I can spot a player in the military base really fast for instance. I think zombies should render from the same distance as players to make it harder to spot players in locations. (if this does not decrease the performance of the game too much)
- Players should not spawn close to other players on the map. I had this one time where I was looting a spot. I constantly checked my surroundings, but someone spawned almost next to me. The server had kits so he spawned in a cobra and killed me from close range. I don’t think this is fair.
- The ability to see under water from above the water. Right now people can swim away really easily under water because I can’t snipe them under water. I think players should be visible under water. Not too easy to spot, but a little bit visible.
- Weapons should have a near infinite range and have a damage decrease at long ranges. The peacemaker for instance would deal full damage up to 100m. After this the damage decreases. At the range of 200 it would deal half it’s damage for instance. This makes it so you can snipe players from long ranges, but it’s not too powerful.
- You can’t logout with stuff in your inventory. Right now you can take all your good gear from you base, put it in your inventory and logout. This way when you get raided the raiders only get your junk. This is OP.
- Ability to melee from ladders. Right now when there’s a zombies above you at a ladder, you can’t avoid getting hit before climbing all the way up. If you could punch the zombie from the ladder you could climb up a bit safer.
These are my suggestions and some ideas I had for unturned II:
- More advanced melee system where you can block and kick in addition to punching. Right now melee fighting looks retarded in unturned 3.0. If people can at least block with right mouse button it would be a bit more polished in my opinion.
- A way to transport your items/progress for one dedicated server to another dedicated server. This should only be an options for servers with the same difficulty. This enables players to play on another map without losing all their progress. This should not be possible when being raided though, because that way people will quickly move their items to another server when getting raided.
- A map that is set in another time period. For instance a wild west map where you don’t have cars, but horses. Only bad rifles and revolvers would spawn instead of advanced sniper rifles. This way the game is more diverse. It also makes a great environment for roleplaying.
- Wind factors for snipers. Instead of just bullet drop, snipers have to take the wind into account as well. There should be a device to meassure the wind. This way people can counter the wind when sniping by aiming slightly left or right.
- Recovery time after jumping. Right now you can jump right after you’ve jumped. I think the second jump should be a bit lower if you instantly jump after the first jump. To make the second jump be as high as normal jumps you have to wait a second. This is more realistic in my opinion.
- Durability of weapons does not change the damage of the gun, but makes the gun have more bullet spread instead. I think this is more realistic.
- Purge servers. This is a server that has pve for a certain time period. After this time period it changes to pvp for a certain time period and then back to pve. This way you could have server that have one hour of pvp each day, or two days of pvp each week. The rest of the time people can build up their base and stuff. You could also make it so that there’s one pve day every week. This way people have time to build bases and have fun with each other without having to worry about getting shot.
- Singleplayer worlds should be listed the same way as servers. Right now I don’t know which singleplayer is where and which is which. It gets really confusing for me. If there would be a list with all my active singleplayer worlds which I can rename it would be a lot more convenient.
- NPC’s that have an ai so they can attack zombies or players. This way you could make really cool campaign like maps for offline play.
- When you kill an animal with a headshot you get more meat then when you kill the animal in the limb or body.
- Ability to leak fuel from you gas can. This way you can set things on fire like in gta V.
- C4/dynamite needs a wire in between the explosive and the detonator.
- Really fast/freerunning zombies.
- Ability to use the radio with your own music. You can upload your .mp3 music into unturned and play the music to other players on servers with the radio.
- The cooking pan deflects bullets like in PUBG.
- Make the @give command use item names alongside the item ID’s so it’s easier to spawn in items.
- The glass first shatters after the first bullet. It doesn’t dissapear, but gets cracked up and hard to see through. After you shoot the second bullet it gets completely destroyed.
- See the progress you’re making when cutting a tree. By making the tree look like someone has damaged it with an axe. This makes it a bit more fun when using knifes to chop down trees.
- A clutch in the car that requires you to use gears.
- More freerunning. Right now you can’t pull yourself up onto a rather small ledge. I think being able to freerun a bit more makes the game alot more fun.
- Radiation zones are do not have a border, instead it has alot of radiation damage in the center of the zone (where the source of the radiation is) and the further you get from the source the less radiation damage you get. This is more realistic in my opinion.
- An ingame currency that works when trading and using npc’s. Right now xp is the currency for npc’s. If that would be loonies and toonies it would make the currency has more value. Maybe this way people will start using the currency to trade as well. If the currency works well there should also be ATM’s that allow you to save your toonies and retrieve your saved toonies.
- Zombies have more randomized behaviour. Right now it’s really easy to know what a zombies next action is going to be. I think zombies should be a bit more harder to predict. This should make pve alot harder.
- You can hold grenades and cook them, making them explode faster after thrown. This should not be too OP. Because being able to cook a grenade and instantly kill a player when you throw it at him would be OP.
- More advanced fishing with different fishing rods for different types of fish. Fishing would require bait as well. You can use worms or something like that to catch small fish and use the small fish to catch big fish.
- More sealife, with things like sharks, piranha’s and jellyfish.
- The option to keep inventory when dying for servers. I reckon some server would like players not to lose their stuff when dying. Especially the creative servers.
- A command to spawn zombies/creatures. This makes it easy for you and modders to test the new creatures and could be usefull in roleplay.
- A command to duplicate an item. This way you can copy your entire assault rifle setup for instance. Instead of having to spawn in every seperate attachment.
- Difficulty gradually increases. I think this is fun in singleplayer especially. The first days are easy and after a while the zombies keep getting harder until they’ve reached the hardest difficulty.
- More diverse forests with more bushes and flowers.
- Swimming zombies, when going in the water zombies will swim after you instead of walking on the sea bottom.
- Desert (maps), basically the opposite of Yukon. You lose water quicker and you can’t run too much as you would get too hot.
- A map build specifically to be hard. The focus of the map would be a balanced map for pvp and a hard difficulty. This way you can make really hard underground spots and make more spawns for hard zombies/enemies.
- Wolfs/dogs that are tameble. They will follow and help you when tamed.
- Turned wildlive, think of infected horses, pigs and bears chasing you.
- Easy ways to create minigames for modders. Don’t know anything about modding, but I think it’s important to make it easy for modders to create minigames like gungame, search and destroy and tag.
- A map that is build like Russia. It contains bad loot at the spawn and the loot gradually gets better.
- A third item slot for knifes and small pistols. This way I can have a sniper rifle, smg and knife at the same time, instead of having to switch between knife and smg all the time.
These are my item ideas:
- Attachments for your guns that fire. Attachable grenade launcher, shotgun and flamethrower. These attachments should be really rare. The grenade launcher should not be instakill as this would probably be OP.
- Graple gun
- Throwable spear. This spear should be craftable. It would make the early stage of unturned a bit easier. It should not be OP though.
- Anti tank rifle that does alot of damage to vehicles, instead of the snipers doing way too much damage to vehicles.
- Knuckle dusters
- Taser
- Slugs for shotguns
- Tear gas or nova gas with a damage effect, blinding effect and or slowing effect.
- Security cameras to be able to see what’s going on outside your base from inside and/or far away. (should be really hard to make or rare)
- Shields, a bad makeshift shield that works well against zombies but does not block bullets and a better (riot) shield that blocks bullets, but loses durability fast when blocking them. When using the shield you can only use one handed items with it.
- Growable pumpkins and lighted pumpkins as decoration.
- Feces that you can craft into fertilizer.
- Roads and bridges you can craft that look good. Right now you can only make bridges and roads with floors which looks ugly.
- The adaptive chambering attachments can make burst fire rifles full auto and semi auto rifles burst fire. This should not be an insanely fast full auto and burst fire, because that would be OP. But I think it would be a nice mechanic.
- Flowers that you can harvest from the wild, grow, use as decoration and craft into a dye.
- Charts with the ability of being placed on a wall. This can make nice and convenient decoration in your base and can be used to make public places to read the map.
- Flaming arrows
These are my vehicle ideas:
- Submarine
- Chopper bike
- Tanker truck that makes transport of fuel and water easy.
- Craftable boat that uses pedles. It’s like a bicycle, but floating.
- Tractor that can fertilize crops using fertilizer and can harvest your crops.
- Horses
- Halftrack. A truck that has tracks in the back and wheels in the front. It can hold alot of players and items. A bit like the APC.
- Spare wheels in the back of jeeps and other vehicles are usable.
I wish you luck building the game and am looking forward to it!