A list of movement suggestions, options, and possible keybinds and combinations. Several of these are taken from @MoltonMontro’s Movement Suggestions. And yes, I’m jealous because @NarcolepticHound came up with such a good post today, so here, today you get TWO high-quality posts on important gameplay mechanics and features. Enjoy!
Basic Movement
Basic Movement Keybinds
W Forward
A Left
S Backward
D Right
Left Shift Sprint
Space Jump
C Crouch
Z Prone
Q Lean Left
E Lean Right
Left Alt Freecam
- Holding Left Shift while swimming allows the player to swim faster by consuming stamina at a faster rate. Swimming in general consumes stamina unless the player is wearing flippers or something similar.
- Double-tapping either Q or E locks the player on that lean until tapped twice again to disengage.
- Holding Left Alt enables freecam. In first person, this allows the player to look in a direction without moving the entirety of their body.
- Going prone by pressing Z is not instantaneous, and requires a small animation.
- Obstacles at approximately upper thigh or waist height cannot be simply jumped over, instead pressing Space initiates what I call a Type 1 Vault, in which the player slams his non-dominant hand onto the top of the obstacle in order to provide leverage to swing his legs over. In this position, the player cannot aim down sights if firing a weapon.
Advanced Movement
Advanced Movement Combinations
Shift + C Slide
Shift + X Dive
Shift + S Slide Down Ladders or Rope
Space + Space Type 2 Vault
(Shift + W) + (Space + Space) Type 3 Vault
- When sprinting, tapping C makes the character go into a slide. The player can continue moving using W, A, S, and D while on their back in a similar fashion to crawling.
- How far the character can slide depends on what type of material the surface is. Materials such as metal and wood have a lower friction coefficient, meaning the player will slide further on these surfaces as opposed to grass and concrete.
- Pressing Left Shift or Space makes the character get up from a prone, crouched, or position on their back.
- Pressing a combination of Shift + X initiates a dive, similar to jumping except that the player lands in a prone position. The player can use this to dive through windows and other openings quickly instead of having to jump through it.
- When on a ladder, the player can press Shift while descending in order to slide down faster. This also applies to ropes.
- Holding W while in freefall initiates a roll upon hitting the ground. Assuming the player does not die instantly, this reduces the amount of damage taken from fall damage. Exiting vehicles that are moving at high speed also initiates a roll. The player will automatically recover at a crouch.
- Higher obstacles than what can be vaulted over with a Type 1, at approximately chest to head height, require a Type 2 Vault, of which requires both hands empty in order to grab the top of the obstacles and climb over it. This type of vault requires a double-tap of the Space bar.
- Obstacles higher than head height by about half a meter or so can still be reached if the player initiates the double-tap of Space immediately after sprinting into the obstacle, which initiates a short animation of jumping, grabbing hold of the top, and then clambering over the top. Of the three types, this type of vault, the Type 3, requires the most time to carry out.
- An explosion of sufficient power and proximity will send the player flying a few paces in a position depending on if their front or back is facing the blast.
- Weapons such as an ice pick can be used to assist in climbing all surfaces. Bladed weapons such as knives also work, but only on materials such as wood and ice.
- Grappling hooks can be used to scale heights that cannot be vaulted over. They can also be used to descend from a height, similar to ladders.
- The type of clothing the player is wearing will affect how quickly he can move in water or vegetation such as tall grass or secondary jungle. Loose clothing with many pockets such as cargo pants or a hoodie will create more drag underwater, and will catch more easily in vegetation. Long hair also has an effect unless tucked under a cover or in a bun.
Please leave any suggestions for addiitonal movement below, as well any feedback and concerns.
In addition, please rate this post in terms of format and how it compares to previous posts from both me and other community members.
@RedComm November 4, 2018
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