the utility im talking about is a LED incapacitator,is basically a non lethal weapon that is designed as a flashlight,it emits a series of extremely bright,rapid, and well focused pulses of different colours,so when the human eyes try to focus on one another frequency appears causing an intercranial pressure which makes you vomit,being disoriented and having headaches and basically being stunned,this device can be found on police stations and on border patrols,this maybe can be used against zombies by making them stunned for a short period of time and make other players get flashed,stunned and puke.
This would have to be waaaaaaaaaaay subdued in order to make it into the main game. Epilepsy is a thing that people have and I doubt Nelson would want to have a game mechanic that could actually make people sick.
Plus, what’s the point of having something like this? How would it benefit the game? How would it improve gameplay? These are all things you should consider before you make posts like this. Read this forum post if you have any questions.
Anything related to player stunning is usually a bad idea as its not fun to be forced to not play the game. If you want more clarification on why its a bad idea just search “tazer” on the forum. I would be fine with normal strobe lights, but as paladin said that could be iffy.
So a strobelite that can physically hurt players IRL, nice.
heaps of games have strobelight effects. There could be a way to dim bright/saturated colours in the menu.
you could just makew like the unturned 1 flashlight but it stuns you
Just because many games have something doesn’t mean it’s a good thing, just see stun effects, and hell, people complain about strobelights even there. Besides, what he’s suggesting goes beyond that: it’s not a white flashing light or a lost connection visual shuffle like in R6S from drones, but full on contrasting changing colors that with brightness and speed can cause harm even to the non-epileptic.
ok ok what if you make it to only affect turned?
Actual strobe lights might not be such a bad idea, I can see that being used in a pvp situation where you might be outnumbered and you can use that to your advantage, the bad part of this is that people will epilepsy will get a seizure or get affected another way. If Is added maybe make an option that disabled the flashing and just blind their screen like if a flash and hit them? Idk just though of that right now
maybe make it that the flash is just a normal flashlight and not different colours so they dont have a seizure or maybe make it only useful for zombies
You seriously want to use a stone light in pvp?
That literally sounds like a way to just get people TO have seizures.
Like i said maybe to stop that from happening is just put a white screen in front of them so that dont happen and make it untoggable im not trying to suggesting to harm people irl
just make them flash everyone screens,no need for that option since people will probably not notice about it and wont give to much attention since it will probably one of the tons of devices on the game so just make it so they are flashed with a very bright color instead of the yellow color of the flashlight
Didn’t you even read the previous posts talking about people with epilepsy?
how its gonna cause epilepsy? have you ever got a flashlight on unturned 1 ?
You do know continuous Flashes of bright lights could give someone with epilepsy a seizure
do you read the previous post? i was just saying that your option was not neccesary and that just make it like the flashlight of unturned 1 but a bit brighter…no rapid frequencies so it avoids that problem
There was nothing about no rapid frequencies of flashing lights on your post
did you even read my post ffs
Yea, it’s not noticeable and to replace with a brighter light than the flashlight