No tanks/APCs in the vanilla game

and running into things should break the bumper/grille, and once that is broken off it would damage the engine.

Accidentally running into lamp posts and fucking footpaths and your car exploding is a pain in the ass.

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yes indeed

and yes, I am right now making a post about cars, again.
I’ll put a link here when its ready :smiley: More about vehicle upgrading/customizating
but different bupers should withstand different types of damage and have betterd helat than others and so on… :smiley:

betterd helat

I think they should be added but made more balanced, Or atleast possible to mod with Unreal 4 “for the modders out there”

modding with UE4 is easier and UII will be way easier to mod, so no doubt

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Mabe a more Refined armour system for vehicles i made a post about it already


perfekt, I agree :smiley: thank you for showing this :smiley:

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Ok and your point. Its not a communist game. People can have better vehicles and items than others. And if a zombie apocalypse happened in real life I’m sure that any tanks etc would not just disappear from the work because it “takes away from survival”.


but they would be put in use, around places where they are needed to fight zombies, so they shouldn’t be found at military bases, but maybe places where battles have been

UII should be survival based with PVP aspects later or second in priority, simply removing APCs tanks and other heavy military vehicles from the base vanilla game is a great idea in my opinion, and for any possible future PVP orientated server(s) they could just add an (likely official) addon to the game that would add said tanks and APCs

These vehicles should be optional to be added into the game’s future servers and i don’t want UII to turn into a second “PVP orientated game but with trash PVP” kind of game as how 3.0 mostly is now.

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yeah, i think they should be added for pvp oriented maps, not the base game

Why not, what is wrong with someone having a tank in vanilla. Next do you want to remove all weapons cause they can kill other people. Bro just have them for those luck people, like all other weapons.

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Tanks and apcs are almost impossible to destroy and kill the person inside, that’s why I said that it’s a great idea for no rank or apc. Now I do understand many people like the tank because it can raid bases but tbh I don’t think that godmode machine can be in the game

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It really isn’t op. Not being able to kill the person inside is a feature.
That’s the point, and yeah it means the person outside can’t kill them but that’s ok because it’s still not op. If it spawned like canned beans it would be, if it was rare it wouldn’t be.

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I don’t think a tank is this op, if in UII we have an in depth repair system then the tank (as well as other armored vehicles) are not op . A tank requires a huge ammount of ressources an repairs to be operable.

Tanks and apcs are almost impossible to destroy and kill the person inside

It could be indeed true but why destroy it completely when you can simply use some explosives to blow a track ? Now the tank is vulnerable and their ocupants have quite the problem now, if they go out they die.


You really do have a Minecraft profile pic in an Unturned forum

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i read all your posts and replies in bunta fujiwara’s voice

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Actually you can kill a perso inside a tank/apc, by opening the hatch (if its a versipn with a hatch if not “by opening a door”) and trowing a nade in it and it will kill all ppl inside it, but no damage the tank so much :thinking: or throw a molotow in the vents :smiley: thats how we finnish people beat the russian tanks :grin:

But jeh seriously it is possible so the gank or apc isnt that op if you get on it, its more like an deathtrap then cuz you cant see them if you dont stick your head out and look around :laughing: wich also would let them shoot you/slice your throat :grin:


This Is not halo XD

Personally I do not see Tanks and APCs as OP vehicles, for example, stopping them can be a relatively easy task is just to make a mine, when one of them goes over it, blowing it up and breaking its wake, thus forcing the players of your inside to go out and fix it, at that moment they would be vulnerable, “- What if they did not leave?”, Simple, throw a Molotov in your engine and it would be on fire, players would have to leave him to put out the fire, and then they will be again vulnerable. I believe that a prolonged fire could consume the entire tank or even detonate the ammunition inside it (I hope to reload his cannon, it would be necessary for the ammunition to be in the tank’s inventory).