No tanks/APCs in the vanilla game

I agree, The other types of military vehicles should be there because honestly in my mind the military would not leave a tank for any civilians to take during the outbreak of the zombies


It’s not op. I mean I 3 all vehicles are balanced on multiplayer cause they are so rare. Finding a rare ass tank should be worth it. And I don’t care how op an armored personal carrier is. Some things should be good in video games. Compared to a sport shoot the maplestrike is op. Why do you worry about things being op, some stuff should if it it’s rare.


Wouldn’t they dominate with anything else anyway? Especially the grinding and group part

Sounds like you’re only suggesting this out of distaste.


in a zombie apocalypse, militaries wouldn’t just leave armoured vehicles in military bases, they’d actually go around using them to kill people/zombies.

So they only place you can find them should be on highways, and around fortified checkpoints/tollways, in poor condition where they need to be fixed up.

APC’s should be a thing, but tanks that can fire tank shells shouldn’t. There should be mountable guns, so you can put a gun on a jeep or buggy or something like that, and mount a machine gun on the APC.

No offence to anyone but, thats just unturned 3.0 shit communtiy :smiley:

and It should be balansed somehow, like if the repairparts are much rarer to the military vehicles than in the civilian, it wouldnt be Worth it to have many military vehicles if you could “upgrade” the civilian car to the same level as military stock vehicles, I mean the armor, also the military vehicles would weight more wich would affect handling and speed, so Think that you are driving down a mountain road with an APC that weights 12tons (I dont know what they weight but just as an example) so you are driving downhill in an 12t weighting vehicle 90km/h , you have a 90* curve, try to stop that massive block of metal Before you drive off the Cliff, u dead m8 :smiley:

ok but seriiously I Think that vehicles would have their plus and cons witch would make them more balanced wich would make the faggotscreamers not play bc they cant be faggots :smiley:

or something like that IDK ANYMORE XD help me someone XD

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I agree about the part that they dont leave their vehicles behind but what if there was a huge horde that attacked the military camp/Place whatever and they were outpowered and killed, their vehicles would be there :slight_smile: only the ones who left Before/in the middle of the horde attack could have got away with the vehicles… do you understand what i mean? :slight_smile:

why wouldn’t they try and get in their vehicles and escape?

Wouldn’t they keep a portion of their weaponry stocked in the base as a form of emergency defence response?

Why are tank shells overpowered? They are ineffective against humans and zombies. A machine gun vehicle would be even more OP and more resource efficient, contradicting your point about tanks being too powerful.

What’s wrong with heavy armor vehicles? Just because you can’t damage them with normal firearms? You should also be aware that zombies, for gameplay reasons, would be able to maul down one with some effort. Plus players would already have access to explosives and armor piercing weapons by the time you find an APC/Tank.

Was there a reason to not include amphibious capabilities of the APC? You only say ‘It’s OP’ but how is it OP? Your other reason was ‘Use a boat’ but it’s like saying you should use anything that specialised in a certain area and remove the versatility of another that has the ability (e.g. Use a knife and remove the blade of a multitool, use a sportscar and reduce the speed of a fast durable car)


yes indeed :D, also zombies should not be able to break the vehicles as easily as in 3.0. right?
just realistic amount of damage, like hitting a car door with your bare fist and there is a dent and the car doesnt explode XD

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cars shouldn’t explode by hitting the doors or the body. zombies should be able to break the glass and break the doors if you stop the car, but the car should remain driveable. Cars should break, instead of exploding and killing you.

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YES now we speak the same language :smiley:

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and running into things should break the bumper/grille, and once that is broken off it would damage the engine.

Accidentally running into lamp posts and fucking footpaths and your car exploding is a pain in the ass.

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yes indeed

and yes, I am right now making a post about cars, again.
I’ll put a link here when its ready :smiley: More about vehicle upgrading/customizating
but different bupers should withstand different types of damage and have betterd helat than others and so on… :smiley:

betterd helat

I think they should be added but made more balanced, Or atleast possible to mod with Unreal 4 “for the modders out there”

modding with UE4 is easier and UII will be way easier to mod, so no doubt

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Mabe a more Refined armour system for vehicles i made a post about it already


perfekt, I agree :smiley: thank you for showing this :smiley:

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Ok and your point. Its not a communist game. People can have better vehicles and items than others. And if a zombie apocalypse happened in real life I’m sure that any tanks etc would not just disappear from the work because it “takes away from survival”.


but they would be put in use, around places where they are needed to fight zombies, so they shouldn’t be found at military bases, but maybe places where battles have been