Options for entering buildings

yeah that would also work, but would make an incredible amount of noise if you dont have a suppressor.

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You wouldn’t be able to kick that door down. The hinges are on the outside :stuck_out_tongue:


Get a plasma cutter or some thermite.

you can kick it from the inside tho XD

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Shotguns should do twice as much damage to wooden doors. But not if they’re loaded with slugs.


If you had a suppressor, it would only make a slightly less incredible amount of noise. Suppressors lower the sound volume, but don’t completely eliminate it. The main use for suppressors is an extra level of hearing protection, best combined with ear plugs and ear muffs.

I, for one, really don’t want magic hush tubes in Unturned 4.x.


Slugs can just as easily door-bust, but need to be aimed at critical points (hinges or doornob area)


Nice! Just please disable for any re-enforced variants.

I was gonna say dont suggest rams and sledgehammer, but if it only works on basic then fine

Maybe the doors when kicked are not “destroyed” they just need repair (object won’t delete). Unless you want them to pop off the hinges and fly away like the tires… Which might be fun… (If was kicked above a certain threshold?).

But I just don’t want to see a vary patient naked kick down all the metal doors in my base, if you know what I mean.

Because I myself whould abuse that (and have) on several occasions (remember back when you could destroy ANYTHING with your fists? Well I actually did…

Base raid with my fists before… Multiple times…

Bad times all around.

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you know, just imagine jumping through a window in a mall… or maybe driving a car through it XD
I really dunno.

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Raiding idea from a little while back :thinking:

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This post doesn’t mean raiding xdxd it means normal buildings that are locked and barricaded.

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Why not just mangle your character and crawl the vents silently, make broken machine noises and look like a Robot. Or we could just wear less heavy stuff, put on light clothing like Ninja or Spec-Ops attire. You know what i’m refering too ayye!

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Still valid with regular buildings, I don’t think why would you make a door when you can pull one off the hinges in a city somewhere

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This idea alone is pretty much cool. Would like to see buildings doors to be randomly barricated\locked (and by randomly I mean that the thing will be really random, not always the same doors of the same houses), but then if we want a door kicking option (and we do), there should also be a silent counterpart for it.

The only other way I think that having a “quick doorkick entrance feature” would have sense is by making the “open normally” animation sorta slow.

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Have to say something but… It’s pretty much impossible to kick a door down quietly… Unless I misread what you said :confused:

Well if kicking doors is a fast loud way to enter buildings, what could be a good option to enter slowly and in silence?

picking locks

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Yep, that’s the quiet way.

thank you.

Now, the question is how?
We could have different stages of picklocking/forcing locks. I immagine a “level 1” skill based on using a crowbar, a “level 2” based on lockpiks, and “level 3” based on the skill of making fake keys for the door. I used quotation marks cus ofc in II there wont be real skill levels like in 3.0, it was just to give the idea of progression.

Thing is, that beside the unlocking skill and locked doors, there should always be an option to open slowly and silently a door, and that door should have a RNG chance of making noise.

Prying a door open with a crow bar is a completely different skill from locksmithing.