When you earn a new level, a SDG bot will inform you that your trust level has increased, and will give you a link to a page where you can view trust levels, roles, and their respective requirements. I posted this link above.
A lot of people seem to not know about this, and may have missed this. I’ve seen too many people ask how to get the regular role (including myself, before I found this) so I decided to make this post. Hope this helped!
But I don’t think new people will see your topic and the trust level doesn’t give you a better reputation or something, it’s not really useful to get a higher trust level.
Higher trust levels mean you get to use more posts, replies, and likes per day, which has been fairly useful in limiting the effectiveness of spam bots.
The ranks were slightly tweaked iirc, so this isnt 100% accurate. I remember the actual numbers being tossed around by molton but I couldn’t find them :((
OP has linked the Dicourse default requirements, but the SDG Forums requirements for regular are slightly modified. Here’s the most recently posted list of requirements since only staff are able to view them.
It’ll probably be worth Yarr and I just making a set of pinned guides or whatever in Meta Discussion, and probably even Modding & Plugins. Either as a part of the normal pinned message for the topic, or as their own things. Link to information like TL3, official modding guides, resources for U4 development, etc.