Well in the right places they do xd, it makes it more intense, because screwing up could attract zombies / TURNED
it would also add the fear of escaping a zombie that has pinned you. Maybe if you had a small weapon equipped it would be easier for you. I dunno. It makes the game more intense.
I can understand that they add intensity to the environment; maybe one of the Turned has grabbed your arm and a quick time even pops up prompting you to slice it’s arm off with a Machete. Yes, it would be cool, but it does not suit Unturned’s Combat system and it does not fit a survival game.
(Keep in mind, we have not been exposed to a lot of the Combat, so this could change)
QTE if they should be included at all, (I don’t have strong enough opinions on that part) should be exclusive to things like grappling with a Turned or another player, situations where it is fast paced and the player would actually be restricted in their movements. QTE should not be used for something like lock picking, where instead the player should be encouraged to be slow, careful, and methodical.
I’ve said it in the past, and I will remain firm on my opinion: I do not believe any iteration of Unturned should have quick time events. They are generally sloppy and unimmersive.
if you think quicktime stuff is sloppy, then you have obviously played bad games. and you do realise by quicktime I mean pressing keys quickly to do stuff quickly ingame?
okay, maybe that is sloppy, but I mean quick time combat for hand to hand or something. say someone attacks you with a knife, you both might need to do quicktime events to figure out who will win. unless they get you from behind. or if you have a pistol pulled out or something, but still,t hat person could knock it out of your hand if their quick.
Desync would make it really bad if you and your opponent dont have perfect ping, and also macros exist and are fairly hard for a good anticheat to catch, let alone battleeye. Also QTEs dont really reward skill its just whoever can beat their keyboard like it owes them money the most. In general QTEs dont work well and would work even worse in a multiplayer SURVIVAL game
if you panic, your likely to press the wrong keys. its more of a skill to stay calm in a situation like that, and to quickly press the right keys. yes, you might get a adrenaline rush and you react faster but you still will have to press the right keys quickly. I dunno, if we cant do it for combat at least have certain zombies you have to do it for to survive them killing you.
It takes more skill normaly to not panic and get loot fear, juke out a persons melee hits and then perfectly time your swings while backing out.
It does not take skill to press a button on your mouse, activate a macro and instantly win a fist fight. It does not take skill to mash buttons. QTEs still have never been done in a multiplayer game as far as i know and for good reason.
when did I say activate a macro, or that it used your mouse. No I mean pressing certain keys on your KEYBOARD, in quick succession to survive them swinging the knife at you. whatever, it seems you guys dont want this so we can stop arguing
how many buttons would you have on your mouse to press all the different buttons? also, from what I understand now, your saying they activate a bot of sorts to do the quick time events for them? you know that would most likely be considered hacking? Or am I wrong?