Random suggestion that won't break the game

Having to defend your base each night against a horde, in my opinion, is a bit too much. Every 7 days or so, yeah I’m fine with that.

Although… Could you describe how these hordes would work? Would it be so that every base would get a horde that tries to destroy it? But yeah, every day is quite intensive and creates a struggle to build up resources. Unless the days and nights are super long, which would take a very long time for a week to go by.

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I like the idea of hordes attacking but every night is a little too much. Every few days is a lot better for pacing (usually). Of course this could also be a server setting.

Thats not really fun as a new spawn to go sit in the water till day. It really would be better to have hordes only target people who need the difficulty and let the players who just spawned get loot instead of sitting in the water. (Not too mention that in 4.0 you might drain stamina in water and drown.)

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I editted it
(10 characters)

Check the edit

But people may join a server 90 days in and get completely fucked over, servers aren’t static with who’s on them and when

Because bullets are for people

They don’t get progressively harder. The difficulty stays the same except each 5~7 days, there’s a full moon when Mega Xombies start spawning rapidly

Because I think that zombies should do horde by themselves. When zombie meets the other zombie — they can create a group, and then they will walk around, meet other zombies and unite with them. And eventually, they will create a huge horde of zombies that will roam around the map and attack players’ buildings. I like the horde idea, but I don’t like the idea that they should spawn only at certain time

Basically, in multi-player, and single-player, all the zombies in the map start heading towards the nearest player, on full moons their speed is greatly increased as well as their damage and health. In single-player, it will be a lot worse. During the day you make repairs and scavenge for food and water. Also the amount of zombies that spawn will increase each night until you die, then they will destroy your base after you die and leave.
Edit, if no players are in the base, zombie will ignore it.

I think the parcels idea could be useful, to allow players to get a small amount of loot more quickly. I’m not sure they would need to be cloth packages (the way you described it reminds me of certain items in Teraria) instead it could just work with the nested storage of 4.X, allowing containers to spawn with an assortment of loot in them.

You do realize that the actual wrapping won’t be used, right?

Yeah, I’m just suggesting that instead of parcels that become a group items when opened, we could have things like toolboxes, backpacks, and ammo cans spawn with some items already stored in them.

Nah, it would be a bit too much for something as simple as a group of random items being unwrapped

This is what I want though.

Not a horde coming to me


That’s what we all want, isn’t it?

Because Unturned is nice alone, but better together.

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The reason you would want a light is to defend against the horde. So you can see them enought to defend against them.

That was not the point.

4.x is a hardcore survival
What’s “hardcore” and “survival” about wanting to sit by a fire and relax in a tent?