When it comes to Unturned’s forum pages and the suggestions that come with it- this is something that not many people know. A game (In our case Unturned) should have realistic elements to improve the gameplay and general feel and quality of itself.
There are some aspects of the real world that should be forgotten in video games, they just aren’t fun. For example-
Click for an example.
"uuUU- I haev a sugesttion! your caracter should get FAT when he eats too much!"
This isn’t a good suggestion, and it certainly wouldn’t incentivise what gaming itself has been made for; entertainment. So please- when making a suggestion, use this rule of thumb. Would my suggestion make the game more fun and entertaining, or would it make things more of a nuisance?
in a cartoony survival game about flying cars and pirate zombies immersion is more important than entertainment?
This fourm is slowly driving me insane, if you want realistic and immersive survival there ARE OTHER GAMES THAT CATER TO THAT. Unturned is not a ultra serious survival game!
Everything in moderation.
Some realism will appeal to everyone, but too much just makes it tedious.
The problem though, is the line between too much and just right is much too fine.
So true dude
Also I agree, there are too many realism feature suggestions that would just make the game less fun and more rage inducing and difficult, but some features, but not EVERY realism feature, could be put in as optional and turned off by default.
One more thing is that, (what I said above this gave me an idea), with these certain realism features, you could have a Custom Difficulty setting that you can change whenever, kind of like 3.0
No it isn’t, it’s simply things that affect gameplay to an extent that would make the experience worse should not be implemented. Smaller details that add to the game are welcomed.
Even getting fat I wouldn’t rule out, it could be a simply cosmetic detail, it could be used to discourage fully geared players from using early game loot spawns for long term survival, or it could be used to provide minor benefits to detail oriented gameplay.
I think people in Uii want it to be more realistic because they dont want it to end up like U3.0 (a rp fest where if u want a rifle just walk 10 feet to ur left and run around some zombies) I think that we need to make it clear where the realism ends and the fantasy begins.
by that I mean who in the hell would think getting fat in a videogame is a good idea. People come to videogames to escape from reality not jump back into a worse one! If people are so worried about carrying so much shite just add a weight effect to backpacks like a ton of games do.
Considering Unturned || is gonna be more “realistic” in many ways. What I want immersive is the weathers and stuff. Supression effects etc. I don’t care much about the zombie model or character model, most of this can be replaced with mods anyway.
I definitely agree. Weather affects and just the environment is super important to any survival game. I as well would like to see very nice environmental effects.