SB Devlog #2



End of year - time to make a new devlog.

To be honest i don’t have that much things to show actually and that’s not the most important part now i guess.

The first thing i finished after releasing a previous devlog is NPP, ABK part only

ABK - Administrativno-Bytovoy Korpus (Administration and Household i guess Building)

It includes:

  • Administration building
  • Canteen (Stolovka)
  • Also i made fleet (garage) building and i gonna include it here as well

Canteen inside

and outside

you can see that i’m experimenting with buildings look again (both facade and interior)


here you can see a bit of fleet building


i’m not entirely sure about the facades tho
so feel free to suggest and discuss

also you can see more buildings in the background
i plan to work on them later because working on one complex model for like 3 months is too boring for me to be honest but i’n definitely gonna resume workin on it later!!!

also i wanted to add kaktus’ btr in one batch with the NPP part i made to the map but i’ve spent like a 3 weeks or an entire month and it ended up like this:

(turn the subtitles on here it’s important!!!)
initially i just wanted to modify his model a bit (add some interior mostly) and prepare it for importing in unity i guess
also i probably need to tweak its size a bit but considering the number of technical details on its prefab it would be so painful to do
and also it’s not btr-82a actually because the “A” mod’s cannon uses 30mm cal ammo and looks like this:

yeah we also have this black “specops” variant

and then i took some [reasonable] break (“too busy” in other words)

but in late november - early december i guess i started working on furniture expansion/remake (the old one is 1,5 years old tho)

some of new mdls:

absolute legends

also i’m not sure about those “clothed” ones also feel free to suggest and discuss!!!
yeah i made only tables and some chairs for now…

also, recently FLIP made some new kinda cool looking guns, entirely on his own initiative ))00)0000




everything shown on the renders/screenshots/idk (scene and weapon itself) is his work

and i already added some of those guns to snowburgh (and also i made proper texture for them because flip’s models weren’t proper textured initially):

9a91 is a bit bugged now but i will definitely fix it, i don’t have enough free time now!!

oh, and also

i started working on the city look rework now

i wanted to do it a while ago actually
the old city was like a placeholder for like 2 years since i started working on “Iteration 5” (major overhaul of the map i guess) and its layout was unironically made in 5 minutes
and now i want to make something more arkha-murmansk-like

also from the list of prev devlog’s “future of the map” part i only started reworking medium objects

to be honest, “developing something” for me is like when you have an idea or some “necessary task” to make and you think “yeah i gonna make this in a week i guess” and then you are making some btr interior for month.

Here’s some assorted locations screenshots

i took this zb object from efu tho (and also i initially made it for efu)

And now for the most interesting/scary/whatever part - future of the map

if you’re actively participate or just observe this game’s community “life” then you probably already understood a PARTICULAR thing i’m going to talk here about

i’m not gonna leave any opinion on this here because i’m too tired (physically (2 AM tho!!!) and morally) to discuss all this again, it’s mostly useless and it’s not the place to talk about it here. And i think i already told everything i really wanted to - you can actually find my messages on this topic here (SDGForum) and some other places. I’m not afraid of what i said (i mean ON THIS PARTICULAR TOPIC) because i don’t think that i said something really bad and actually i didn’t want to

and if you know this project for a while you may remember i said like “we would like it to be curated”
and i knew it’s pretty impossible for it to be curated because it has some problems with inconsistent to vanilla artstyle and maybe some technical condition but for now i also afraid of being potentially restricted from any sort of curation or highlight because of like 3 “bad” messages from some random server but curation is not really a main goal for me now (the main goal for me is just to make the map)

but i even more afraid of too many people leaving the game because of this decisions

for now i made a decision to continue working on the map (many people are waiting for it and to be honest i’m kinda happy about this) but sometimes to learn indeegamedev and do some experimental stuff with unity and other game engines just to feel safe i think

anyway, i hope i didn’t dissapoint you with that small amount of content made and the final, a bit sad and “political” part of this devlog

And in a tradition of previous devlogs: Happy new year!!!

And particularily for the CIS (RU speaking) people: с новым годом ребята!!! я знаю что для нас это более значимый праздник!

not gonna leave any contact info here, you can find it in any previous devlog


Wishing you the best for your project, and happy New 2025 Year! :gift_heart:


I don’t like the wheels I think the details on the tires should be made with Textures instead of geometry. The shading is also kind of funky on the stool but the rest of the chairs look really good. I think the handles on the drawers for the office table are too detailed. The buildings look really good though and I love the metal door you made ig the prison one or whatever it’s for it looks really good. Have you considered making the texture of the trees, grass and bushes smaller? I think they’re too high resolution.
Rest looks really good tho

Really impressive, great work! The computer desk with shelves at the side makes me feel nostalgic even though I don’t think I’ve seen one in real life. :slight_smile:

Regarding concerns over a few messages:

Since the holidays were very busy Molt and I are going to take the week off through the 7th, but then some of our top priorities for the start of the year will be formalizing how to balance concerns like this, as well as for example announcing changes to the curated map program (I’m particularly excited for this one and I think the mapping community will like the direction we have in mind).

We recognize there’s an important distinction between some old messages from years ago and having grown and changed since then versus very recent “bad behavior”. As some (hopefully) relatively tame personal examples of this:

  1. There’s a grumpy post I wrote on the Roblox forum when I was frustrated about Deadzone, and I cringe to see it referenced as part of the history of Unturned - over the years I got to experience similar issues from the opposite point of view, and came to better sympathize with the developers at Roblox.

  2. Or, just yesterday, I was linked to this old community-made VK page, and I was disappointed in myself to see the way I had handled some Steam chats posted from 2016. I think the context was concern about tanks and attack helicopters bringing the game in an overly PvP-focused direction. For what it’s worth, I do agree the game has become more PvP-focused than originally intended, but I think that’s more to do with insufficient new PvE content and features after 4.0 first began. In the longer term I want more PvE focus and I think tanks and helicopters can make good rewards. :wink: That was a bit of a tangent though.


Do you have a timeframe for when we’ll see any new news on this? Even if it’s just like X weeks or X months it’d be amazing. It’s been killing me getting my hopes up and opening the forums and discord every day hoping to see a new announcement only for there to be nothing

I like the BTR only issue that im having with it is that the lines on the sight for the autocannon are just thicc and it would be anoying to engage anything with it i can feel it

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