The current status of the serverlist

In light of Nelson’s RFC

I’ve decided to revive a thing I did in 2018, where I would take a screenshot of the serverlist, with the most generic server settings, and sort it by most players, to make a statement on how terrible the serverlist is, every day (maybe every week if I start getting tired)

The reality that the serverlist was so bad in 2018 made SDG forum mods call the thread “negatively targeting servers” and “solely a hateful post meant to discredit specific/named servers”. The Unturned serverlist was so bad three years ago, that criticizing it was seen as hate and targeted harassment.

It was terrible in 2018, I wonder how terrible it is in 2021.

So I making this post again, not in the meme subforum, because this is not supposed be a joke. This is not a harassment campaign, I am not advocating for people to target or raid or attack these servers. This is just a statement on the current status of the serverlist.

Hopefully by having a thread that updates daily or weekly, we can regularly discuss P2W in a constructive way without the SDG mods coming in and shutting down the entire discussion. So be civil and be kind if you are going to discuss anything in the comments.

Day 1

Chiming in that after the proposed changes it will be possible to filter out P2W servers. Hosts that opt-in to the “cosmetic-only microtransactions” or “no microtransactions” tags should not have any P2W, and if they do the server would be removed.


All I see is proof that the community enjoys these servers. Look! The vanilla server isn’t even full- could it be that people enjoy the p2w server MORE than the vanilla server? preposterous, right!?


Can you elaborate the relevance of indicating if a server is “Non-English” or not?

Yeah, i dont understand neither why he puts “NON ENGLISH” insted of “ROLEPLAY”
Is it kinda racism? Or just a bad joke :confused:
Please confirm.

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Did you change your plan? Because I thought you planned on only marking servers that sell one-time purchases (buying currency once, buying a kit once) is a microtransaction server,

but a server that sells currency or items as part of a permanent kit (which is still pay to win, aka getting a paid advantage) is not a “microtransaction” server.


because those servers are not ran for English players? and they dont have English speaking staff? and their server description isn’t in English? lol

I’m just writing that because, of course, I don’t want to play a server that isn’t for English speakers. And this forum is an English forum, so it makes sense that I cant possibly play or call non-English servers pay to win if I don’t know the language.

cant wait to see ACK be removed off of the list
that server is such a fucking shitshow it amazes me how it still has players
oh wait it causes admins are never online to enforce rules

Panda Servers have an Economy so i doubt theyll get removed, even if they do have p2w features how bad could it be


Facts, even though their p2w ass killed my server I will hate on them as a normal player

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what does ACK have anything to do with my servers that no longer exist?

People do not like playing on these servers, it’s just that they are the only ones around.

Someone answered this same argument you made under the thread about banning repeatable purchases, give that a look.

Also, I personally find it rather funny how you can say that the community en-large likes these servers, even when some of the people who play on them have enormous advantages, and hinder or make the experience less fun for others.

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Bruh just let server owners do what they want with their servers if you’re gonna complain about it then make your own server and do what you want to see change in.

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I don’t even care if it was flagged I just wanted to say it to him

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There are alternatives and its easy to create your own alternative as well. These are not the “only servers out there” they are simply the most popular. Theres a reason they are. Non P2W servers dont dominate the top because they dont have the support. Popularity is demand. If nobody wanted to buy the kits, they wouldnt be making profits and they wouldnt have any foothold over normal servers.

Non P2W servers dont dominate the top because they dont have the support.

Nope, that’s not how it works. They’re at the top because they’re uncontested. Nelson (during the town hall interview) agreed that most servers start as passion projects without P2W and then either become P2W once the owners realize the potential of making a lot of money off of children, or (and this is my personal belief) an owner keeps the server not P2W until a decent community has begun to form, and then adds ranks, commands, and all that garbage all at once.

I personally ran a non-P2W RP server for years and spent hundreds of dollars on it for mods and plugins. All out of my own pocket. That I know of, there are only 4 of the major servers who’ve done the same (and are still relevant today), but their profit margins would have probably allowed them to commission 50x times the amount of stuff I have, which would have resulted in a drastically different server experience on their part for players, but they didn’t.

Popularity =/= demand. This is not a real life business with adults trading with one another, it’s a video game, the audiance is mostly kids. The owners of these servers, thanks to the enormous amounts of publicity they get, generate a fake sense of what you call “demand” which, in tern, generates the popularity. But the thing is - they can’t keep it going on their own. On many of these servers most players play for one day and then never come back because the experience is more often than not not original or fun enough, and as a result, owners have to keep on making it look like their server is actually popular with even more publicity, be it youtube videos or whatever.


Youve literally admitted that theyre at the top because they have the support. Thanks for agreeing. Popularity directly correlates to demand, they are inseparable. You cant fake demand. People wont buy hot stinky garbage no matter how nicely you advertise it. If the non p2w servers are such a more wonderful experience at absolutely no cost people would flock to them in droves.


No I did not, don’t put words in my mouth. Where does the word “support” come from? If anything I said that it’s ease of exploiting the Unturned playerbase that makes server owners turn towards P2W, but that doesn’t mean these servers are getting support from anybody.

You can’t, but you can fake the perception of it. And this is exactly what servers have mastered.

Oh please just shut your mouth already, you’ve used this argument 5 times and each and every time I pointed out that you can’t make this assessment because Unturned’s playerbase is mostly CHILDREN, who cannot make good financial decisions, and whom are even easier to bait with servers and their predatory ads, you’ve never addressed that part at all.

There is almost no competition for P2W servers. Because, again, server owners know how easy it is to make a boatload off of children. The thing is, there actually was a section of the Unturned in-game community which was dominated by a Non-P2W server. In their last months of operation, Metrix WW2 only had cosmetic purchases. They were the most popular WW2 server by far.

Also it was very convenient for you to skip the part where I talk about the non-P2W server I ran for 3 years, was it?

Hyperfocusing on the word support ignoring the idea behind the argument, classiccccc. If these servers were truly unsupported theyd have no sales, and no players, but they have both! Theres an undeniable demand for these servers.

Nonsense, theres no subliminal advertising in Unturned servers. You give them too much credit.

Selling toys to children is neither illegal nor immoral. The predatory purchases have been banned. Theres nothing wrong with selling a child something they can permanently enjoy. Also, rude behavior has no place on this forum. Theres seem to be a huge conflation among you and others that any of the recent changes truly have anything to do with “removing p2w from Unturned.” This is solely about predatory sales. Which have been banned. Yee haw.

Almost no competition does not mean no competition. There are options, and if those options were actually at all alluring then players would take them. Metrix was a popular WW2 server. It filled a niche category and still didnt make the top of the general list. You point to the success of exactly one server within its niche field and suddenly thats the metric standard for the whole community? LOL.

Couldnt care literally any less about an unpopular server you ran for 3 years.


You didn’t really explain what the word “support” meant for you nor what it meant in that context so that’s on you.
How many times do I have to address this? Do you genuinely think that any sane player of any game would want to play on a server where everything can be skipped by paying 40 bucks if they had the choice not to? Again. There is no competition, that’s why they’re popular.

But the way they can be advertised can be.

Telling you to shut up to stop using the same argument doesn’t nullify the point you’ve been using the same argument since you got here.

That’s all I was in for.

Too few of them. But hopefully with these regulations more servers will rise, or P2W ones forced to reconsider their tactics.

WW2 was not a niche. It was a very popular genre which got a lot of attention from both players and content creators. And no, they did make it to the top of the Unturned server list. They’d be the first and most populated server you would find when typing “WW2” in the search bar.

It was decently popular but whatever believe what you will. (I was a staff on there)

The point of saying that was that P2W does not mean instant popularity, and that non-P2W can be popular if done well. Many P2W servers on which I used to be a staff on before I became a server manager died due to either internal issues with the owner or community, or the staff getting mad at the owner and griefing the server. If your argument that P2W servers are in such demand was true then this wouldn’t have happened or at least wouldn’t have happened as often as it did and still does.

Edit: and that’s because servers as a whole are in demand, the fact that they’re P2W or not is only something you find out when you join.


And as it turns out, that’s because they’re pretty much the only ones around.

Same, pretty much.

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