UII No Skins or Cosmetics

What do you think about that nelson wrote: “Current plan is for Unturned 4.x to be FREE without any in-game purchases/cosmetics/skins, aside from the exception of a Premium pass that grants access to Official Servers

I mean i will Miss my Mythical effects and i think the first person perspective would feel a bit empty + the characters would all look Similar to and borring with no way to determine who is who.

Explaning what i mean with "who is who"

Right now i play alot on a server where i got alot of Allys. My team and Allys often when we go looting we see somebody and try to kill the player but if we can recognice its one of our friends by his (or her) cosmetics we will not. The Cosmetics is often like a watermark of who you are.

I would like to see skins again in Unturned II. What do you think about the “No skins” Situation?

I think a Procential fix for this is to say “No cases and no Stockpile only drops(either skins or crafting material)” then you can craft to get the skins just like the crafting system now.

What do you think about this idea?

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It has been stated in the past that there may be a Steam Economy integration in Unturned II. The information you’re pulling from is relatively outdated.


Can you link me to some new information? I didnt manage to find it by myself when i was writing this post.

These are the two that come to mind:

Understand that the Steam Economy isn’t mentioned publicly that often because it’s not that relevant to the game’s development right now. I still think it’s a good discussion to have (how cosmetics/skins should be handled, how to acquire them, etc.), but there’s nothing concrete as to how it’s actually planned to be handled officially yet.


I like it, because it’s so unrealistic and flashy that you see people shining around with their fancy skins, disrupting the immersion of the game.
Maybe I’m not against singleplayer and maybe private servers (with the server owner with the option to enable or disable the skins).


I think mythicals look extremely out of place and I will be happy if we get no cosmetics in II that are similar. I think the only cosmetics I’m ok with are skins for existing clothes/weapons that don’t really look out of place.


I made a suggestion on identifying players from longer distances a while back.

I do not think skins fit in a survival game at all. Not only does it look ridiculous and out of place, but it also ruins a big aspect of the game. As a survival game you should be able to look at a player and observe what he is wearing and holding in his hands, as this would play a big factor in wether or not the casual player would like to engage the player or not. Seeing a player running around in a full santa costume with skinned weapon and a bunch of effects, does not only look ridiculous, but its also unbalanced. You would never know what the player is actually wearing/using.


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