What about Dlcs?? (sorry my english is bad, i am from argentina)
-Dlc maps (1 dollar or free) like Canada, San francisco and more. with items like food, drinks and guns
-Dlc Expansion packs (5,3,1 dollars or free) with guns, items, clothes, skins, hair styles and beard styles, food, drinks, zombies,vehicles and things.
-Creators pack (or Editor pack, or Map Assents pack,etc) (free) with houses,decorations, buildings, and themed objects, like Human skeleton for haloween or chrismas tree.
-Complete packs (5 dollars) with a Dlc map, and Dlc expasion map and Creators pack (optional)
-RP Dlc (free) this will add RP things. seirously a lot of people plays in RP servers, so this will help a little bit.
i think this will help A LOOT for people with bad computers, so if u want Russia 2.0 (upgraded to work in 4.0) you just download it. it also helps with Hard drive space, and memory and others…
Its a good idea. but plz dont make 99999999 of 5 dollars dlc with the same things. that will DESTROY the game. goodbye