What Do You Think of Unturned Youtubers?

why does this post read like an email thread


If you didnt know, WeirdChamp is a emote being used by the twitch culture:

haha lol blueberries lmao ecksdee

lol amirite amirite

why is nobody laughing :[

I personally find a lot of Unturned YT players to be hit or miss. Definitely a lot of bandwagoning and clickbait titles but thereā€™s a lot of niche, very in-depth youtubers out there too, mainly covering in-game mechanics and issues that might carry over from 3.0 to UII. Depends what videos youā€™re looking for that determine the quality youā€™ll find the most of.

Iā€™m currently working on bringing myself and a medley of guests onto the scene with an upcoming series project but at the moment itā€™s delayed (yet again) due to irl issues, and the content drought doesnā€™t help. Aiming for a ā€˜high quality low production valueā€™ feel to start off, with a unique video structure.


fudgy and elitelupus are basically morgz but in unturned

nylex very good 10/10 except his new stuff kinda is shit now

p9nda pretty okay

2r games lol blurberries!! haha funny lol!

oh yeah mtn is also a thing but hes like bro pretty cringe bro because he plays fortnite which is cringe bro

honestly i havent watched an unturned youtuber since like 2016


Why is everything in Bold?


Iā€™m waiting for unturned 2 anyway, I recon that will bring a fresh wave of YouTubers to unturned. And revive the hype.


Just so everyone knows I am currently working on creating a letter to address some misconceptions and such etc etc.

As for P9nda,

youā€™re quite stubbornā€¦ Leroyā€¦

Iā€™ve heard things about you, but you want this cranked upā€¦


Letā€™s goā€¦

As of now I might be a bit slower as I did not expect this to gain the large traction it did and I am currently in the process of gathering more pieces of evidence directly on Youtubers I wasnā€™t even specifically mentionning

@p9nda .

Also, the brain courier got the wrong message, because what you countered with is whack.

Now, the next letter will be more formal.

I am also now speaking with Youtubers such as SirAdy on this matter personally.

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I happily invite you to a talk sometime on a stream or so, so that nothing can be edited from both sides. And the stream is on my twitch dont worry, my twitch is kinda dead anyways. You can adress whatever you like and I can give you my point of view

I donā€™t really use Twitch or a mic. Nor do I have either.

I told you, Iā€™m a 0.01$ human being in all facets possibleā€¦

Nor do I have a functioning phone, I have Discord and Discord text but that only.

I donā€™t think people would want to look at a 240P twitch-discord talkā€¦

Iā€™m serious with youā€¦

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You dont have to use twitch in order to talk to me. And you dont have a mic in 2019?
You can use your phone with discord, that works aswell.

Do you dont have a mic nor a working phone, but a computer? I dont know if thats even possible in 2019 lol. Seems to me (could be wrong, and probably am) like a keyboard warrior?

This goes for everyone, I find it interesting to listen to what other people think about me. Maybe some have gotten wrong info about my past or present. If anyone wants to talk or criticise me, im open for a talk :slight_smile:

Donā€™t hate the player, hate the game.

For the record, itā€™s mostly because I am an NOT an autonomous person.

I am like most of the others in this community,

around 12-15.

A young kid in an anti-tech familyā€¦ So yeah.

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Dont hate the game, hate the developer @SDGNelson

oh no nelson please dont /s <

In the Unturned community in general or this forum?
The average age of the active forum members was like 18 or so if I recall correct?
There was a poll

In general, as in I am around 10-14

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So what does that have anything to do with talking to each other?
If you can type something in text, you can for sure also just talk to me and have an actual civilized discussion.

It means my only method is text.


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